Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Yes, Lori, these are from Mothergoose. They're hatching very well, too. And the mirror in the brooder is left over from when we had a lone chick or guineas or something. I told DH we didn't need it, that these had plenty of company, but they congregate in front of it, so we just left it in.
Right now, I have 20 chicks hatched and 1 deceased when it was about 1/2 zipped. There are several pips, but I'm not sure how many exactly. We are going into Day 22 here and that makes me nervous that I'm not half done at this point but I can only guess that several nights where the temps just wouldnt come up to where they should be have slowed some of them down.
Christine, I think the link goes to the wrong place or I'm too bleary eyed to click right, LOL.
Not sure where I am in this hatch. I still have some eggs pipped, some not pipped, and we've removed 13 of them where they died right after the 14 day candling or a bit later. Some of the aircells were wild, due to shipping, I know, but I couldnt see them clearly till the chick was filling the rest of the space. Anyway, I think these give you an idea of where we are right now:
9 Welsummers hatched, 3 pipped, 2 not pipped
3 Barred Rocks hatched. One of Lexie's was deceased.
1 Blue Ameraucana hatched, 1 pipped. The others died.
1 Buff Orp hatched. Not sure how many are still in there. Some did decease, though. These were extras Julie sent.
The Splash Orp, an extra from Julie, had died
5 Rhode Isl Reds (I think), 1 pipped, 2-3 not pipped. Some deceased.
4 Blue Orpingtons for KingsCalls, 2 pipped, 1 deceased.

I still have 9 Buff Orpingtons from Jody going into day 15 tomorrow and one of my Blue Orps from Velvet in with those. They'll stay in the Fridge-a-Bator to hatch.
I had the best luck this go-round with Christie's Welsummers and my own Blue Orpingtons. Well, it is not over yet. Hope it is soon. I'm really yawning!
Congrats on your babies!!!!!!

I am soo glad they hatched for you!
I'm up to 25 chicks with a few pipped and a couple not pipped. About 15 died right after last candling and some had those wild, wonky aircells from shipping, so that must have affected them, too. I noticed the shells getting that dessicated look, so I removed them, candled, then opened to be certain.
The Welsummers did the best. Christie sent 16. One was clear at first candling. One died after zipping halfway out. I currently have 9 chicks, 4 are pipped and 1 is not pipped.
Anyway, I'm so exhausted and hoping these will hurry up so I can at least sleep tonight.
Jeff! You have six Orpington babies hatched. You got all three colors in this hatch.
I think those wonky air cells really do effect them. The Egg#1 from my batch that died in it's shell had one of those.

Hope these babies hurry up and pop out so you can get some sleep. Come on chickies...your mama needs some rest!

What color Ameracana did you end up?

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