Day 19 - Polish & Bearded Silkies


12 Years
Dec 3, 2007
Chesapeake, Virginia
Oh we are so excited at my house!!! It is our first hatch ever and out of the 23 shipped eggs we started with we have 14 still moving and hopefully hatching within the next 3 days!!! 5 Polish & 9 Bearded Silkies (various colors). My 13, 8, & 3 year old daughters are almost as excited as I am!! Even my husband has gotten into it just a bit!! He walks in my little bathroom where i have both incubators set up (one homemade - thanks Miss Prissy - one Hova 1588) and he just shakes his head. Did i mention that this little bathroom also has a brooder box with 3 - week old barred rock hens?!! My husband wouldnt let me order the chicks I wanted from a hatchery so I decided to slowly, over time hatch out what I wanted when I find the eggs on here or Ebay. The thing I dont think my dear husband understands is that I'm costing him a lot more money doing it this way then just getting the 25-26 chicks I wanted to order!! And I'm getting a lot more chicks in the long run!!
Anyway, I hope this works. Is it crazy for me to go in that room like constantly - over and over again - waiting and hoping (BUT NOT TOUCHING THE INCUBATOR)??? I can hardly wait!!

Thanks for listening! This is how I feel whitle i'm waiting waiting:

sorry i didnt meant to post twice. i dont know how to delete the other one.
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