Day 21 no pipping or chirping

This thread is a few months old, but looking for information. Tgis is my first hatch. I have 2 NR 360 'bators. I have shipped eggs I let settle for 24 hours and then set. Per the instructions and sorting through the confusion of reading where the temp and humidity should be, the first 18 days I had it at 99.5 and 55% humidity. I have 6 (plus 3 questionables) in one and 9 in the other 'bator. On day 18, saw movement in all except the 3 which I was unsure. The temp has been at 99.5 and humidity was at 73 for the first day and I got it down to 69 (Instuctions say 65-75 is acceptable) because I thought it was a little high. And now I don't see any pip or hear anything and unsure if I should open yet or wait until after day 21... these are all Orpingtons. (This is awful stressful, btw) thanks!

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