Day 21...............

I don't think you should be worried yet. Have any of the eggs pipped? Like can you see any bits of shell raised on an egg? Some eggs may take up to 48 hours
Most of my eggs hatched 1-2 days early.
Watch carefully, are the eggs shaking/moving a bit? Hear any peeps?

Did you candle them a few days ago and did they look good then?
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If you know that you were monitoring the temps and humidity throughout, and nothing crazy happened then I wouldn't worry. I've had them hatch on day 20 and then some on day 22-23 before. Watch for the signs of life/hatching preparation like others have mentioned and just be patient--which is so hard I know! Good Luck!
I am a first time hatcher and we are on day 20 today. I have one egg that is moving, it is a very subtle move so you really have to watch for it. I was surprised to have movement today, but I guess just like kids every chick is different. Good luck!
Best wishes to each of you.

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