Day 23 and 4 eggs haven’t even piped yet!

The incubator didn’t smell too good so I decided to candle just to see and three of the four eggs were definitely dead :(and the other one I’m not sure. I cracked open the ones I knew were dead and they didn’t show any signs that they were shrink wrapped and couldn’t get out. I’m not sure about the other egg though. :fl
image.jpg image.jpg This is the egg I’m not sure about. It hasn’t internally piped from what I can see. :idunno
That layer of clear liquid on top of the dark area is a little troubling, I'm afraid it may be dead. I would try the water test, or poke a small hole in the top of the air cell end of the egg and look and see if there is any movement in there. Obviously, dont do the water test after poking the hole. At this point there is nothing to lose but I am not holding out much hope for this one. Sorry! At least you got 4 little ones to keep you entertained. :hugs
BB18D96E-BF78-45C5-818A-8A756B5E663E.jpeg I’m still not sure. It sat at a vertical angle not straight up and down so I’m not too sure. I think it might be dead, but I think I will keep it in the Bator for now, just to be sure. :hmm
That one is dead I poked a hole in air cell and there was no movement. :(

But on a happier note I got these four yahoos out of the batch!! :celebrate
E48FC3A6-5CA3-42AE-A931-1020D1A24019.jpeg EC968E45-20BB-429C-8217-1AFC5D7FDEEC.jpeg 6B32A488-3ADE-41AD-B85A-853B08CFB4D9.jpeg 1 light Brahma, 2 welsumers, and an Easter Egger :D

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