Day 23 assisted hatch?

It didn’t make it. 😢 Was moving beak like it was breathing for quite a few hours but then it just stopped. when examined yolk sac was very prominent still, not sure it would have made it. Two more eggs left. Hoping these come on their own and don’t die.
Thank you for your help. So one of the last two have now pipped but again this one is malpositioned but unzipping or at least trying to on its own. I've read they can take up to 24 hours to unzip when they are malpos. Any advice?
I just lost two from this. First ones I have had.. but one piped into the yolk and the other didn't external pip and I couldn't figure out where it's head was.. i need to learn more about that to..
So its still about the same position tonight, it has been peeping, so that should mean that it can get enough oxygen right? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm giving this one the best chance I can. Humidity is 75% and I did put a little coconut oil on the membrane showing. The pip is more of a slit at this point. Thanks for all the advice


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