Day 24--theyre fully developed--crack one open?

ok....will that kill it? they moved when theyre younger and have all kinds of room to do so but i didnt think they did when they have no room in those little eggs....theyre all scrunched up in there.....
ok well i just did the first one and its dead and completely developed....there are 5 more i havent done anything to yet...why would they all completely develop and none hatch...i had no temp spikes or drops and the humidity was between 30-40 and then 60-70 from day 18 on....? im gonna do another and will report back...
yes...but not too wet .... and they werent stuck to id say the humidity was just right...nobody had absorbed their yolks yet but all were completely developed with no visible abnormalities...
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I'm really soryy about that. It's so sad! You dive your all for 3 weeks, and get all excited about your new chicks, then they don't wot out. I had this awful problem with my last hatch.

Mine pipped though, and were wobbling and rolling for seemed to me as if they'd just not got the strength to get out and just gave up.

I broke them open eventually and they were the same-yolks unabsorbed but chicks appeared fully formed and ok.

Would love to hear people's advice, as I'm waiting on another hatch in 4 days and am nervous!

My incubator is brilliant and there haven't been any temperature or humidity problems either.....but there weren't last time......this time I haven't even candled the eggs for the last week, I don't want to jeapordise anything.
ya i just put 41 eggs in the bator now so......
i dont think ill be candeling much at all.....

i was really looking forward to these guys...they were black rosecomb sad.....
but at least i was prepared for it cuz they were late.....i dont have a clue what could have happened!! everything went extremely smooth.
I have no idea- I just wanted to say I sympathize with you.
I had a dozen turken eggs that I babied and day 21 came and went..and it was day 24, I opened one- and they baby was still moving in there- and so, I couldnt figure out the problem. Doesnt matter now though, my incubator spiked to 109 last night for unknown hours.

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