Hello. Currently incubating 1st chick.
Using an EZ.simply incubator.
Egg was given to us by a farmer so we thought we would try
Nothing happened til day 25. Pipped in middle of the egg, not in air sac so through membrane and shell. Ive read lots on here about leaving them. So we did. But 48 hrs after pip no further progress. Chick is alive and chirping here and there. So yesterday I tried helping by carefully removing some small pc of shell
Any part of the membrane next to the beak that we touched bled. So we left if.
This is where we are at. Day 28. Chick still moving head and beak. But still see lots of veins through the membrane above where the head is.
Is this normal? How long do we let this continue? I keep thinking that maybe its stuck. But if there are blood vessels still there, why are they not absorbed yet?
Thanks for any help!
Using an EZ.simply incubator.
Egg was given to us by a farmer so we thought we would try
Nothing happened til day 25. Pipped in middle of the egg, not in air sac so through membrane and shell. Ive read lots on here about leaving them. So we did. But 48 hrs after pip no further progress. Chick is alive and chirping here and there. So yesterday I tried helping by carefully removing some small pc of shell
Any part of the membrane next to the beak that we touched bled. So we left if.
This is where we are at. Day 28. Chick still moving head and beak. But still see lots of veins through the membrane above where the head is.
Is this normal? How long do we let this continue? I keep thinking that maybe its stuck. But if there are blood vessels still there, why are they not absorbed yet?
Thanks for any help!