Day 28, No Internall Pipping!!!!


In the Brooder
Dec 11, 2021
Hello everyone
Im currently incubating 4 Duck eggs. I was told that it is Pecking duck eggs and will hatch in about 28 days.

So today is day 28, but there is no signs of pipping. I candled one of em and saw that they havent internally pipped yet either and are showing lots of movement inside the egg.

The eggs showed development at about day 6 of incubation, so does that mean Im about to have a late hatch??? When I previously incubated chicken eggs, veins started developing at day 3 and it hatched succesully on day 21
But my duck eggs showed development at day 6 and I was told it would show development at day 3. So I assume that its gonna be a late hatch???

Bit worried but fingers crrossed!
Hello everyone
I'm currently incubating 4 Duck eggs. I was told that it is Pecking duck eggs and will hatch in about 28 days.

So today is day 28, but there is no signs of pipping. I candled one of em and saw that they haven't internally pipped yet either and are showing lots of movement inside the egg.

The eggs showed development at about day 6 of incubation, so does that mean I'm about to have a late hatch??? When I previously incubated chicken eggs, veins started developing at day 3 and it hatched successfully on day 21
But my duck eggs showed development at day 6 and I was told it would show development at day 3. So I assume that its gonna be a late hatch???

Bit worried but fingers crossed!
It can take a little longer usually with ducks. If there's no signs in a couple of days, the duckling might've not have made it. With my experience, ducks take longer than chickens with their hatching days or piping.
It sounds if your temperature might have been low at some point. It makes the hatching be late. Plus, for duck eggs, you should definitely candle at 7 days because sometimes they dont show development until then. If they are moving, you're good.

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