Day 28 of hen sitting on eggs - need advice please!


Feb 16, 2018
Wales, UK
Hello everyone,

It's now day 28 of my duck sitting on her eggs and I checked her nest this morning and she is still sitting on them and I can't hear any cheeps or pips or moving sounds. She's laid her eggs in a very unusual, hard to reach place and I need to move her into a brooder to bring indoors as it's too cold outdoors and I'm in the process of building their duck house.

What should I do? Should I wait for her to come off the nest and pull out a few eggs to check? Or should I leave it to nature? Should I move her now into a box or wait until the ducklings have hatched - if they do?

Any advice is much appreciated, thank you greatly!
At this point I'd leave her alone....she can keep the ducklings warm.
Ducks are 28 days right?
Sometimes they take an extra day or so.
Have you candled at at day 15 or 20?
Thank you! I did as you said and left her and this morning I can hear peeps and squeaks and can see part of a broken egg!! How exciting!! Should I put her in the box now or wait till she has a break and comes off the nest - will she take a break now? Xx
Thank you! I did as you said and left her and this morning I can hear peeps and squeaks and can see part of a broken egg!! How exciting!! Should I put her in the box now or wait till she has a break and comes off the nest - will she take a break now? Xx
No, leave her alone, let her get the job done.
Interfering now could be disastrous.
She won't come off the nest until all eggs that are going to hatch are hatched...
...then you can move them if you need too.

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