Day 29 and nothing..

Awe. Well, I'm glad your ducky's eggs are hatching. Can't wait to see the cute 'lil 'lings. :)

I read somewhere that if the incubater temperature is lower, it can take longer for them to hatch. So, maybe wait another day. Pekin eggs hatch at 99.5 degrees. And they are a little bigger than some breed's eggs are. Did you set the eggs in the incubator the same day you put some under your girls? :)

No. The girls were the day after. We got rid of the bator eggs cuz they were smelling really bad and we're starting to look bad. I think they passed away and started to rot.
Awe. Well, I'm glad your ducky's eggs are hatching. Can't wait to see the cute 'lil 'lings. :)

I read somewhere that if the incubater temperature is lower, it can take longer for them to hatch. So, maybe wait another day. Pekin eggs hatch at 99.5 degrees. And they are a little bigger than some breed's eggs are. Did you set the eggs in the incubator the same day you put some under your girls? :)

No. The girls were the day after. We got rid of the bator eggs cuz they were smelling really bad and we're starting to look bad. I think they passed away and started to rot.

Awe, that's sad. :( The bator temp must of fluctuated. Does it have a fan? Which one did you get?
Did you candle them before throwing them out in case there were a few still alive?

I didn't see anything that would make me think there was life. Also you've added younger chickens in with your older ones, right? When can I add my two 6 week old barreds with my 3 1/2 month olds? The barreds are half the size. My mom is convinced I'm being cruel by not pertain them be with the other ones even though I explained to her the bigger ones will pick on them and possible kill them.
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Did you candle them before throwing them out in case there were a few still alive?

I didn't see anything that would make me think there was life. Also you've added younger chickens in with your older ones, right? When can I add my two 6 week old barreds with my 3 1/2 month olds? The barreds are half the size. My mom is convinced I'm being cruel by not pertain them be with the other ones even though I explained to her the bigger ones will pick on them and possible kill them.

Ah, ok.

Eight weeks is the minimum age for integrating younger birds with the older ones. But they need to be able to see each other through a pen, or dog crate for a few weeks so they can get used to each other first. When you integrate them you can leave the pen or dog crate open so the younger ones have a place to hide away if they are getting picked on. You aren't supposed to interfere with any squabbles between the birds unless there's blood, or one of the birds is being brutally mean; otherwise the squabbles would last much longer.

Once the older birds have astablished dominance, then everything should be peaceful. If there is one peticular bird that is being brutally mean, separating that one from the whole flock for a few days so that it can't even see, or hear the rest of the flock should calm the bird down. I put my younger birds in a smaller pen that's inside the bigger one. When they are older than 8 weeks I just put them in the pen to eat since they're not eating the layer food yet, then I let them out with the rest of the flock.

At night I just let them all sleep together in the coop since there's not as much commotion at night. I put the big birds on their own perches, and the younger ones on theirs. After some time, they didn't really mind each other. The ducks seemed to get along fine with the two new Pekins I added; there's not much ducks can really do to hurt each other anyway lol. :)
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Ah, ok.

Eight weeks is the minimum age for integrating younger birds with the older ones. But they need to be able to see each other through a pen, or dog crate for a few weeks so they can get used to each other first. When you integrate them you can leave the pen or dog crate open so the younger ones have a place to hide away if they are getting picked on. You aren't supposed to interfere with any squabbles between the birds unless there's blood, or one of the birds is being brutally mean; otherwise the squabbles would last much longer.

Once the older birds have astablished dominance, then everything should be peaceful. If there is one peticular bird that is being brutally mean, separating that one from the whole flock for a few days so that it can't even see, or hear the rest of the flock should calm the bird down. I put my younger birds in a smaller pen that's inside the bigger one. When they are older than 8 weeks I just put them in the pen to eat since they're not eating the layer food yet, then I let them out with the rest of the flock.

At night I just let them all sleep together in the coop since there's not as much commotion at night. I put the big birds on their own perches, and the younger ones on theirs. After some time, they didn't really mind each other. The ducks seemed to get along fine with the two new Pekins I added; there's not much ducks can really do to hurt each other anyway lol.

Alright. Thanks.
Ah, ok.

Eight weeks is the minimum age for integrating younger birds with the older ones. But they need to be able to see each other through a pen, or dog crate for a few weeks so they can get used to each other first. When you integrate them you can leave the pen or dog crate open so the younger ones have a place to hide away if they are getting picked on. You aren't supposed to interfere with any squabbles between the birds unless there's blood, or one of the birds is being brutally mean; otherwise the squabbles would last much longer.

Once the older birds have astablished dominance, then everything should be peaceful. If there is one peticular bird that is being brutally mean, separating that one from the whole flock for a few days so that it can't even see, or hear the rest of the flock should calm the bird down. I put my younger birds in a smaller pen that's inside the bigger one. When they are older than 8 weeks I just put them in the pen to eat since they're not eating the layer food yet, then I let them out with the rest of the flock.

At night I just let them all sleep together in the coop since there's not as much commotion at night. I put the big birds on their own perches, and the younger ones on theirs. After some time, they didn't really mind each other. The ducks seemed to get along fine with the two new Pekins I added; there's not much ducks can really do to hurt each other anyway lol. :)

Alright. Thanks.


Is Lily's 'lings runnin around yet? :)

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