Day 29 silver apple yard eggs. Day 28 could hear tapping/pecking and seen egg movement. Today absolutely nothing and had a temp drop last night.


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2022
Have 3 silver apple yard eggs incubating, pretty sure one is gone but don't want to be wrong. The other two had movement (tiny egg wiggles) and tapping/pecking. Today is day 29 and I hear and see nothing, we also endured a temp drop last night to 96.1 I'm going nuts over here! I've had lots of luck with chickens last year but this is my first duck incubating. Help please. I've read everything I've found down the the rescues hole but I don't see a beak in the air sack.
Have 3 silver apple yard eggs incubating, pretty sure one is gone but don't want to be wrong. The other two had movement (tiny egg wiggles) and tapping/pecking. Today is day 29 and I hear and see nothing, we also endured a temp drop last night to 96.1 I'm going nuts over here! I've had lots of luck with chickens last year but this is my first duck incubating. Help please. I've read everything I've found down the the rescues hole but I don't see a beak in the air sack.
Do you see any bruising on the egg ?
Can you see shadow moving or breathing movements along the air cell ?
Have 3 silver apple yard eggs incubating, pretty sure one is gone but don't want to be wrong. The other two had movement (tiny egg wiggles) and tapping/pecking. Today is day 29 and I hear and see nothing, we also endured a temp drop last night to 96.1 I'm going nuts over here! I've had lots of luck with chickens last year but this is my first duck incubating. Help please. I've read everything I've found down the the rescues hole but I don't see a beak in the air sack.
What was the temp and humidity during incubation ?
Did you have second readers in there that were calibrated ?
Delay in hatches can be temp or humidity issues
98.5-99 during incubation, last night it dropped to 96. Humidity is 70-85. Collected the eggs over a weeks time. Not sure about calibration I have 3 temp gauges and 4 hygrometers in there, temp between the three is consistent and the humidity is within 15% of each other.
98.5-99 during incubation, last night it dropped to 96. Humidity is 70-85. Collected the eggs over a weeks time. Not sure about calibration I have 3 temp gauges and 4 hygrometers in there, temp between the three is consistent and the humidity is within 15% of each other.
Was 70-85 during incubation ?
How are the air cells ? Have they dropped down yet
Two eggs do

have the dark spots, what is bruising? Are they okay?
Can you take a picture of it
I can help better once seeing it
The ones I had bruise were in the wrong end or outside the air cell anc needed help
You should be able to see breathing movements from the body along the air cell not in it just along it
It will be regular up and down not like a movement from baby wiggling

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