Day 5 of incubation and I'm worried


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Dallas area
So this is my first time incubating. I bought 12 eggs from a local farmer who claimed these were fertile and i was sure to tell her that I was going to incubate them so that she knew i wasn't just going to eat them. So today ( day 5 ) i try to candle them, the shell was brittle and it broke. I felt bad because it had blood it it but it didn't look like it was developing so its not too bad. So I candle the rest and it doesn't look like any of them are developing besides one. I keep thinking that maybe its to early to tell or that my candling device ( my desk lamp with a piece of cardboard around it to funnel the light ) is a piece of crap because i can't clearly see through the egg. All i'm seeing is a bunch of dots and the airsac. I'm getting fraustrated and i don't know what i should do. Please advise me. Thank you.
air sac is good and probably the only thing you'll really see at day 5. Day 10 is better. It's best not to candle too often. The more you handle the eggs the less likely that they'll do well. I candled on day 7, 12 and 18. Leave them in there and candle again on day 12.

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