Day 7 Candling, I'm afraid none are developing! Help!

I'm afraid I have to agree that your eggs are not developing and look clear. I can't see pic 4 well at all so wouldn't like to say yes or no on that one.

Sorry they are not developing :hugs
I just did my 7 day candling, I set 12 and 5 of them were clear. I bought them locally. They weren't fertile which I checked after cracking them. You may want to check locally on craigslist or facebook. Mississippi has a chicken Facebook page which is where I found mine. Good luck on your next batch.
They are all very porous and ombre looking. I would leave them in for a bit just to make sure you didn't miss something as long as they aren't stinky or oozeing. Sorry these just are not looking good~
Thank you all. I'll leave them in for a bit longer as suggested. I'm so disappointed
I am sorry. Unfortunately, this happens all too often with shipped eggs. I even drove eggs I bought home( 1400 miles)...triple packed...still had a crappy hatch rate.

What kind were they?

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