DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

You might think about setting one egg less than a full boat load, so you leave yourself a hole to add water into the bottom water tray. It's tough to see the level of a clear liquid in the bottom of the clear plastic tray.

Could you add a little food coloring to the water?

How do you Quote another post and get it to show up in the little box? I hit the quote button and deleted what I didn't want but it was just a cut and paste option more or less.
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I bought 2 more incubators and turners the other day-- it took about 30 hours to get regulated, but one I have 3 thermometers and they all say a different temp-----even the 30.00 ones that I will take back due to they wont show the humitity like they suppose too, good luck--- it took me 3 batches before I got any good results----- but I am doing the dry method this time- very little water at first---- till 18th day. Good Luck Teresa in
Sunshine came in a batch of EEs from Cackle Hatchery that I bought from a grower when she was about 15 weeks old. She really has personality.
Hi slaghunter. If you hit the quote button on a post, it should put it in the other box for you automatically. Did it not do that? You can then go in and delete any information you want from the quote, so you can have the whole previous post or just part of it. Is that clear as mud?
Well, looks like the bator has stabilized at 99.5 degrees with 58 humidity according to the little Therm/Hyg bought at Radio Shack this afternoon. Had to switch the hovabator to the 7 setting from the 4 setting to get it to 99.5 degrees.

Eggs will go in tomorrow morning... perhaps midnight as then it will be 12 hours from arrival of last egg.

Day 0 will end and Day 1 will begin when the temp gets back up to 99.5 after adding the eggs as I'm imagining it will go down into the low 80s when eggs are added.

Room temperature is 74 degrees where the Hovabator is located.

EGGS I'll get a pic later to add here when it's daylight and the eggs are set.

From Melissa (pasofinofarm):

6 Ameraucanas (Blue Wheaten/Wheaten)
6 Cuckoo Marans (nice DARK eggs!)
6 Salmon Faverolles

From our flock:

4 pullet "Sunshine" EE (very bluish eggs) X China game or mutt EE

From bargain:

5 Speckled Sussex
14 Leghorns

That makes 41 total. We left one space to add or subtract water with a syringe and tube (from some sterile equipment spare parts at the office).

We gave EVERYONE in the family a little chat about staying away from the bator, about not touching plugs or switches on the surge protector it's all plugged into etc... about playing with balls etc... (Told them the first time I saw a ball in the family room I'd be getting a knife to take care of it... they could tell I was "chicken-mad" serious)

Do you think we can get 20 to hatch out of that total? DW then has to ask, "And WHAT are you going to do with 41 chicks!"

Guess we'll wait and see!

Time to find a good candle light to buy. (Any suggestions for the best one)
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Day 1 began at 00:45:00 hours on Saturday, January 31st.
"Stabilized" Temp at 100 degrees. Humidity at 55.
Family room temp still at 76 degrees.
Well, after almost 18 hours, it's holding steady! 100.2 degrees by one thermometer and 99.9 degrees by another. I've seen it fluctuate as high as 100.3 and as low as 99.8, so I'd say I'm in the ball park!

Lost a bit of humidity over night (went down to 49) so added a little warm water and it's holding steady at 57 at present. Isn't 55 optimal?

It's been one of those BUSY days.

Headed up to Paradise Valley to say hi to younger brother and nephew who are visiting and so we went on a hike up into the preserve with older brother. It's a little further north than where I usually hike but it was a good one all the same.

Took son #2 with me to buy some started plants and seeds. Sons #4 and 5 got the coop and pen cleaned out, water changed etc... We lost our peach tree last year so we planted a new one today. Put in all of the tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, planted zucchini and yellow squash as well as green bush beans. I forgot the corn seed and the kids were upset I didn't plant peas... we'll do it next week. (I personally can't do peas anymore... I'm allergic)

Gorgeous day, got up to almost 80. Cleaned the pool. DW cut my hair out back in the sunshine. Planted some petunias with our allysum and geraniums in the front flower garden, boys mowed the lawn and gave the rye grass clippings to the chickens. Cleaned the backyard and put the sprinkler on the garden.

Only got 10 eggs today.

Signed permission slips for sons #3 and #4 to go with their cousins and uncles to a go cart park.

Showed nephews our incubator and chicken set up. DS #4 showed off the blue Ameraucanas that we got from pips and peeps. The couldn't believe there were chickens that looked like that... but we have a big variety and will have more once we say good bye to a few RIR, BR and some mutt EEs that haven't laid well. I've got to break down and build more pens!

Showed the visiting family my woodpile for my fireplace that I've been making, as I said, I figure if the Cardinals pull off a miracle win, Hades will freeze over and I'll need the extra heat from the fireplace in the family room!

I took DD to the feed store to stock up. Called around... best prices were at Western Ranchman up on 32nd St. Didn't call the feed lot on Adobe nor the other feed store on T-Bird. Did call Pratts and Tempe. Next time I'll call the other two.. WR was the cheapest at $14 for 50 lbs of layer crumbles and $12 for scratch. Won't be giving much more of that as it's getting warm. Also bought some blue kote for a hen that's been picked on and some more "Just One Bite" to be certain that we are doing away with all of the occasional rodent critters that don't belong in our back yard.

Took my little girl to Mickey Dees for coming along to keep me company.

One of us still needs to make a trip to the grocery store for dinner tomorrow... gotta get some potatoes, bread, milk and icecream... (staples!)

Was wishing today that my pool was heated. I'm bout ready for a long winters nap!
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Yeah clear as blue mud. I got it thanks for the help. I deleted either the start or stop syntex when I deleted part of the previous quote.
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