DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

Good luck buddy!!

I'm so excited to see what you get. I'll come down and baby sit your incubator for hatch day lol... ok maybe not I have my own bator to watch come next week. I have eggs from Jean coming in and I'll be watching my bator like a hawk once I set them.

Question... what do you all do at night to make sure the humidity stays where in needs to? I am trying to wake up to check on the humidity but it just isnt happening. I love my sleep too much and with a nursing toddler... I'm just too exhausted to wake up to check on humidity levels.
Mahonri,sounds like your doing a good job with your eggs.Good luck with the hatch.I'm sure everything will be fine and it sounds like your humidity is right around were it should be.The best indicator is the size of the air cells when you candle.

chicken lickin,what kind of incubator are you using ?
Me too! I continue to have nightmares that I only get ONE!

I suppose through it all, I will have learned!

It was such a gorgeous day today in Phoenix. The geraniums and petunias in the front yard look fabulous. High was about 61. This is one of the most cool February's in my memory. Normally by now my allergies have kicked into high gear because everything starts blooming! I'm so wishing that I could go swimming but it's still too cold. The pool is so beautiful when the weather is nice, but it got down into the high 30s last night so it's a tad on the cool side.

The garden is starting to dry a little after all of the rain we got at the beginning of the week. Perhaps my seeds will begin to sprout and push through the soil! Only got 8 eggs today (10 yesterday) but I did rehome 6 of my hens so I can't expect a dozen a day anymore.... get to make room for more little chicks.

I hope I get more pullets than roos, but I'll take what the Good Lord gives me.

Finally the kids got home from the Coyotes game so I guess everyone is in bed now. Almost time for me to hit the sac but of course, I'll get up and check doors and HUMIDITY in the bator Temp is holding right at 100 now.

Tuesday night we re-candle, take out the turner and put them back in with cartons and more water in the trays. Then by Thursday and Friday the should be pipin' and zippin.

G'nite y'all
Is that real? My son in Mesa told me about Sherrif Joe but I thought he might be making it up since we have such a cushy prison system in Texas. I am sure they will leave the 'bator alone with that hanging over their heads!

I am often up very late too with DH working nights. I do have to balance that with getting up at 5 to milk and going to my own job. I still love getting up with the rooster's crow... best alarm clock ever.
You will get more than one to hatch, I am hoping that you get lots.

I have some hatching right now, eggs that I had shipped in and they didn't make the trip to me in very good shape. As of right this second, I have 5 leghorns and 4 rir babies getting dry and more pips. I wasn't thinking that any of them would hatch at all but they are hatching.....

Just keep your head up, you are doing everything just great....

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