Daytime skunk duo


8 Years
May 13, 2011
New Jersey
At 10:30 this morning my daughter was looking out the window and saw a skunk trying to find its way into our chicken coop. Will a skunk kill a chicken? I know they will take eggs if they had the chance. Also, is it normal for two skunks to roam about during the day hours? Thanks for any help. We are going away soon and wouldn't want to find my girls gone. My coop is pretty secure but now I'm worried
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Daytime skunks could be sick, that is one of the warning signs of a sick skunk. They will happily eat every egg, chick, and chicken they can get their grubby paws on.
Thanks! I was afraid it wasn't normal to see them in the day..UGH! Now we have to figure out what to do to get rid of them. I have a havahart trap but the thought of them spraying..oh boy
If you stay calm when you approach them you can go without being sprayed, I buy cheap shower curtains to cover the cages when I have a skunk, just approach slowly with the shower curtain in front of you as a shield, and toss it over the cage to cover them up.
This spring a rabid baby skunk found its way into my window well and couldn't get out. It wasn't really moving at all by itself anymore by the time we found it. I suited up and scooted it into a box and left it by it's hole, but it was too late and we had to bury it.
It also had the courtesy to leave me a nice smelling gift right outside of my window that reeked for weeks.

I have heard somewhere that skunks will go after chickens and eggs. Yikes!
Large chickens are pretty safe unless the skunk is starving. Be careful though because skunks are number one rabies carrier in the U.S. They will steal eggs and small chicks though. Good luck!

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