DBF out of state--UPDATE! HE'S HOME!!!


He's home at last. We went to Home Depot and bought a bigger/2nd freezer since we plan on getting a 1/4 beef soon and eventually his daughter and mine want to raise pigs or market lambs, so we figured it was a good investment.

He went to bed early, poor guy has been driving since 3:30 am! And then lugged a freezer into the house.
He earned a well deserved rest! Baby him for the rest of his "vacation" time whenever he has left LOL!

Good investiment for a freezer. Something tells me we will be heading into a high priced meat market at the store.
He's only been home about 30 hours and has already gotten 3 job offers!

Hopefully something permanent and full time which means he can stay here w/o the FEMA work.

Reminds me of one episode of the Simpsons where Smithers (after being badgered by a rival nuclear plant) says "What's wrong with this country? Can't someone walk down the street without being offered a job?!"

Go to Home Depot to buy a freezer, gets offered a job.

He picks his daughter up from school, they say that they need him part time next week.

Go to TSC, "Oh? You weld? We need a welding expert."


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