Dead leg

Janis R

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 30, 2013
My 4 month old RIR hens leg is dead from the notch down, it was caught under the tractor. She is doing fine, hops around without any problems, eats well. She tries to stand on the foot sometimes and falls over.
Should I:
1. leave it alone
2. amputate
3. butcher her
4. amputate and carve her a peg leg :)

My 4 month old RIR hens leg is dead from the notch down, it was caught under the tractor. She is doing fine, hops around without any problems, eats well. She tries to stand on the foot sometimes and falls over.
Should I:
1. leave it alone
2. amputate
3. butcher her
4. amputate and carve her a peg leg :)

if it's actually "dead" as in no circulation going to it it's going to probably kill her just leaving it on there. I assume you don't believe in vets since you are ;letting your chicken run around with a busted leg, so I would just cull.
It's not that I don't believe in vets, there isn't any around here that works on chickens. You sound kind of harsh, if I didn't care I would not be on the BYC and I wouldn't of asked for help. You know what happens when you "assume".
That is sad about your hen, and I'm sure that you care very much about what happens to her or you wouldn't have posted. I would be reluctant to amputate without a vet since it is really painful, and the risk of infection into the bones is great. If you butcher your chickens for meat, than that would be a good way to end her life if getting around proves to be too hard on her. Many people have 1 legged chickens who do okay living in a confined area. I would probably give her a chance for now.
We do raise for both eggs and meat. I was reading on amputation and have assisted in many human amputations. Since the leg is dead there isn't any feeling. I think I will butcher her today when I butcher my rabbits. So sad though since she was raised for egg production. Thank you
I wasn't meaning to seem harsh and I apologize for that, and honestly I shouldn't have posted that when I did as I was irritated by a leg issue of my own with one of my guineas and I was frustrated as I couldn't catch the bugger. It had slipped a tendon and where I couldn't catch it, it had severed by the time I did and was very disappointed ( which was a few hours after I posted actually) I don't bring my own birds to the vet as there isn't an avian vet anywhere around. With illnesses I treat with meds from the local feed store, injuries that cannot be repaired I just cull so as to not leave them open to predators or other birds with in the flock attacking them, and to ensure they are not suffering in anyway. Again, I am sorry to have sounded as mean as I did.
No problem Firekin1, sorry to hear about your Guinea
My RIR hens foot was hanging by a tendon so I cut it off, no blood, area cleansed well, will keep an eye on it. She is doing well, eating, pooping, hopping around, she does have some problem getting on roost .

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