Dealing with MG- Opinions PLEASE

If you have a state veterinary school, there will be someone to talk to and a path lab for testing. Check with your state vet school, or the state veterinarian, or your county extension agent, and find the closest place for actual testing. So sorry! mary
Yes, I plan on calling the Extension office first thing in the morning- I am in a pretty small town and actually saw the director today at the grocery store and almost said something to him then. We don't have a poultry agent at the moment, but I'm gonna start the ball rolling tomorrow to getting testing done.
Everyone local and everything I read online said to treat with oxytetracycline in the water, and that it is effective as a broad spectrum abx on MG, as the label states. So far, the ones showing symptoms are still showing symptoms, after 48 hours on it.

So I'm assuming that it's viral, likely not IB since the eggs appearance hasn't been effected. I gave them lots of fresh herbs from the garden that have anti-viral & anti-microbial properties for good measure. All but one of them seems to be eating and drinking, and ofcourse it's my favorite hen. I tried to force feed her, but that didn't work out well. She's making deep mucusy noises.

It's not a big number of birds- 13 of them, and I've been so careful about not bringing other birds in, and only wearing my 'chicken boots' here and not letting other people go into the chickens run or coop. Hindsight is 20/20. I wish I'd not gotten those other birds, cuz it didn't start til they got here, and the stress of new birds likely set it off, even if it was already here. :-(
If you have one not eating and drinking I would 100% try a shot of Tylan 50 or 200...Sq or oral. If it's MG you will know by the next morning. It was THAT effective on my chickens
If you have one not eating and drinking I would 100% try a shot of Tylan 50 or 200...Sq or oral. If it's MG you will know by the next morning. It was THAT effective on my chickens

Tylan results varies depending on the severity of the MG strain. There should be some improvement by the third or fourth day if given orally, 24-72 hours for injecting tylan 50....depending on the strain. Denagard would be a better choice if it's a mycoplasma disease which I suspect it is. Organics will not treat MG.
Here's a link regarding tylan injectables:
I had a rooster on deaths door. This was just a desperate attempt on my part. Not a recommendation. I gave the denaguard in the water with molasses because the med. is bitter. Because the roo was so sick it wasnt drinking much. I gave him 1cc of tylan for 3 days With the denaguard. I was very happy to see improvement within 2 days. But I continued the denaguard for another week. For the ones drinking the denaguard is better by far. No hurt muscles, no struggling to hold and give the shot and no extra stress on the chickens. Note this is a large fowl rooster. guessing around 9 lbs.
I had definite MG and in all but a couple birds I saw birds go from gasping to not, or gurgling to none in 12 hours. But I used Tylan 200...0.2 cc subcutaneous. Was a miracle but I don't know what strain it was
So I've been reading about infection bronchitis, and I'm not convinced that's it- we have had a slight drop in egg laying- we avg. 1-5 eggs a day the past several months, Friday we had 4, Saturday we had 3 and not sure how many we have yet today. Also i've read IB involves their uro-genital tract and that deformed or absent shells are a sign/symptom. Our eggs have been normal shelled. ??? Just thinking out loud.

that is true. some hens might lay soft shelled eggs for a while. with acv, garlic, herbs, etc. mine got back to normal. it might take 2 weeks to 2-3 months.

some of my chickens had blocked nostrils and could not breathe properly for a week, some were coughing and sneezing but laying eggs almost every day,, 1 layed softshelled eggs only and 1 stopped laying without any other symptoms. my 2 white leghorns had no symptoms at all but they are not good layers - obviously they got infected by a virus. they were about 10 weeks old when I had IB in the flock.
I dropped our sickest bird off at the state labs closest site but they will have to ship samples to the main lab tomorrow. The vet there said if it is myco, then I will get a visit from the state. :-( If my birds all have to be put down, I can and will do it myself. Myco isn't dangerous to people, so it'd be a shame to waste all the meat.
For those following: The preliminary findings from the vet that I dropped the bird off with- my bird looked very healthy- no pneumonia, bronchitis, not even any parasites. Said all her organs, lungs etc looked good but he's sending her trachea to the state lab to see what they find and he'll call me as soon as he hears something, expects it to take a day or 2.

SO now I'm googling tracheas. Noticed one of my other hens kept trying repeatedly to clear her throat....
For those following: The preliminary findings from the vet that I dropped the bird off with- my bird looked very healthy- no pneumonia, bronchitis, not even any parasites. Said all her organs, lungs etc looked good but he's sending her trachea to the state lab to see what they find and he'll call me as soon as he hears something, expects it to take a day or 2.

SO now I'm googling tracheas. Noticed one of my other hens kept trying repeatedly to clear her throat....

TY for the update.

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