Yikes! We have lots of Coyotes here. After reading everyones posts, I'm getting rid of the chicken wire and putting up welded fence, concrete footings and netting on the top to keep the Hawks out too. I still have little kids around so no guns with in arms reach! Other wise I'd have that shotgun ready too. Even if preditors are just trying to exist, their killing pets and stealing breakfast eggs! Rattlesnakes get no sympathy around here either. They like hens and eggs.
Thank you all!! I do agree with you about 1 weasel doing it I'm thinking maybe a family also. I had weasel problems when I was a teenager but not since. I don't live there anymore but they all look the same, both times. Some of the heads were eaten, 2 had their breasts eaten, and they all had bites on the necks only. The only things that could get into my breeder pens and pigeon coop would be weasels or maybe a rat.
None of the cages were open or mangled, the birds were just...dead.

I do have some good news:clap I found my gold sebrite roo ALIVE!!! He has the same bite marks on his neck but must have gotten away. He's not in great shape but I'm gonna try to save the poor boy. I took a picture of my pigeons and my roo. I'll try to post them, maybe it will help to id the killer(s).
I'm so sorry for your losses!

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