December egg swap! Sign ups closed, Addresses sent!

Just wanted to make sure nobody got left out accidently.

This is my first swap too. I'm so egg-cited. Most of my girls are finally starting to lay again, after almost 3.5 months off. My only leghorn only stopped laying for 13 days, guess the others are just slackers.
Wow, That was interesting. I sent everyone their addresses. Please if you have names for the new years hatch get them out asap! I tried to give everyone what they wanted as well as getting them when they wanted. Not sure if it completely worked, but I tried.

If you requested anything other than chicken eggs, please understand that this time of year it is hard to get anything other than chicken and quail.

There were lots of people this month and its only my 3rd month doing this so if you notice something that doesn't seem right, or you have any questions please pm me so I can double check it. I saved all the pms I sent everyone with addresses so I will be double checking them tonight.

I also tried to pair up nyd hatch people by sections of the country to try and make sure they aren't late but we all know how the post office can be so

Happy hatching everyone!!!!!!

All of my swaps will go out tomorrow.. two are for NYH and since the girls cooperated.. I can send the others out tomorrow too..

Let the fun begin

I forgot to do this, but I was thinking the other day it would be a good idea to put a sealed envelope in the box of what the breed(s) are. It would be sealed so they didn't have to know if they wanted to guess first or whatever.
Do they people that send other poutlry (duck, guinea, etc.) make a note of that on/in the box? I'm asking because most have to incubate a week longer than chicken eggs, sometimes they can be hard to tell apart if you don't know what your getting.
elieugene6 "I also tried to pair up nyd hatch people by sections of the country to try and make sure they aren't late but we all know how the post office can be so" Now thats smart

Both of mine went out today!
Hope everyone has a wonderful hatch..

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