December egg swap! Sign ups closed, Addresses sent!

Well no new years hatch for me
candled the eggs and they were dead
Same here. Had 38 eggs set, none hatched. The power went out for a few hours on day 2 or 3, I think it killed most of the eggs, most of them stopped growing after day 4. 2 made it to lockdown, but I just poked a hole in them, they both died around day 18.
I had 3 little blue splash silkies hatch from one batch and 1 hatch from the opringtons that were supposed to be buff but imagine my surprise when a blue hatched!
Bantie- I had 2 LB make it to lock down but neither hatched.

Farmerchef- I had 4 EE and the leghorn make it to lock down. 2 EE hatched but didn't make it.

Reese- I had 3 sex link and 3 LF Cochin make it to lock down. 2 Cochin hatched and 3 sex link. 2 of the sex link had feathered legs. I didn't think your sex link had feathered legs.
sorry about that Jim .. As soon as I get more from my hens then I will send you some. I have a friend who wants 6 and so far i have five cause its getting colder and its been snowing and now they girls all my girls don't want to lay as much. But when I get more I will let you know :) sorry :( that they didn't make it.. I do have some chicks from my Light Brahmas the oldest is a pullet, not sure about the other four if you're interested in getting grown chicks ???
OK I may be a lil late but I got all of my silkies to hatch thanks justhatchin
and 3 ducks one is a brown runner but what or the others from the green eggs
One is crested. I have to get some pics. I have never had ducks only geese. My DD loves the runner too cute!!
OK I may be a lil late but I got all of my silkies to hatch thanks justhatchin
and 3 ducks one is a brown runner but what or the others from the green eggs
One is crested. I have to get some pics. I have never had ducks only geese. My DD loves the runner too cute!!

The green eggs are runners. I do have 2 brown runner hens. I also have a crested runner and a white crested pekin. Pics PLEASE !!!!
You are the 1st person to hatch another crested from my eggs.

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