December Hatch-A-Long 2014 is day 18 for my broody fail eggs!!! Must I do lockdown now in my bator???
If you got eggs in the incubator that are on day 18?? Then candle them---making sure all eggs are good, increase moisture, close incubator and For "ME" I will open the incubator the NEXT time on day 22, unless all eggs hatch before then. Good Luck!!
I have an update! one chick is hatched on day 23. It pipped late last night and zipped this afternoon but got stuck..probably cause of the humidity. So I helped it finish zipping and it pushed itself out. It is still in the incubator right now but I may have to take it out and give it a little sponge bath because it is pretty sticky. I think I have another pip too but its on the side of the egg and in a shadow so I can't see well..could just be my wishful thinking lol

Lockdown for incubator number 2 is tomorrow and I have a QUESTION: so this incubator has shipped eggs in it that had saddled air cells. I believe the air cells have improved a lot (from the couple I have candled along the way). So should I leave them in the carton for lockdown or lay them on their sides like non shipped eggs?

That is a good question.... Glad your one chickee is okay. I am not touching my bator until day 22 this time...last time I assisted an early pipper and think I killed the rest....
Yay, glad you got 1 Debs55! I have local eggs but I think I am going to put them in the egg carton to hatch. I am just so afraid that any that hatch will knock the other ones around to much and make it to hard for them to hatch.

Lockdown for me is Wednesday and I am getting so excited and nervous. Silly me I agreed to go see the Nutcracker with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and daughter on Friday night. I will be sooo sad if I miss the first to hatch because of that but it was hard to say no since it's our tradition to go see the Nutcracker and this was the only day everyone was available to do it.

Anyway I have a couple questions... when I put my eggs in lockdown and I raise the humidity should I be concerned about my temp getting too high as the humidity rises? It's been at a steady 100 for the majority of the incubation with a few drops and a few spikes to 102 but I am afraid if I raise the humidity too fast then it will go well over 102. If it does will that kill the eggs if it's over 102 for a short period of time?

Are you supposed to do lockdown at the beginning of day 18 or at the end or does it really matter? I am thinking I am going to candle my eggs right after the sun goes down on Wednesday and then start lockdown then so it will be towards the end of day 18. I just want to make sure I have time to get it to the right humidity and temp before I go to bed. Haha, who am I kidding I probably won't get much sleep from Wednesday to Sunday will I?

Anyway, I know there are about 3 or 4 of us who have the same hatch day of the 13th and so we are all getting ready for lockdown. I can't wait to see all the cute little chicks. I am so excited to see what I have in my mystery eggs.
If you got eggs in the incubator that are on day 18?? Then candle them---making sure all eggs are good, increase moisture, close incubator and For "ME" I will open the incubator the NEXT time on day 22, unless all eggs hatch before then. Good Luck!!
I only opened because I KNOW (from playing with this incubator before I set eggs) that my temp will not drop and neither will my humidity (since the room they are in is so hot and humid anyway). So I just quickly grabbed the egg and wrapped it in a warm damp paper towel while I worked on it under a heat lamp. I put the chick (still in the egg) back in the incubator and he kicked himself out. the plan was to leave him in there but he was so sticky his wings were stuck and it was drying really hard so I took him out and cleaned him off and now he is in a box of his own.
That is a good question.... Glad your one chickee is okay. I am not touching my bator until day 22 this time...last time I assisted an early pipper and think I killed the rest....
Same thing as above :) I knew I wouldnt kill them. Also had my boyfriend spray warm water in just in case

OH and I now have another marans egg pipped..Nothing has happened with any of my mixed eggs yet :(
Last time I locked down at the end of day 18. It seemed like I had too many improperly positioned pips. Next time I will lock down in the morning. They seemed like they could go the extra day without turning. Everyone hatched the first time, but I had to help four of them.
Last time I locked down at the end of day 18.  It seemed like I had too many improperly positioned pips.  Next time I will lock down in the morning.  They seemed like they could go the extra day without turning.  Everyone hatched the first time, but I had to help four of them.  
so you think I should candle and lockdown first thing in the morning on day 18? I did set my eggs at 8am on the 22nd of november.
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