Decided to rehome my ducklings


7 Years
Aug 17, 2012
Goleta, California
After much thought and consideration, I've finally decided to rehome my two little white mallard ducklings.

Here's what finalized my decision:

An animal control person came today. Someone is complaining about a smell. I clean my pen every morning; hose down, new bedding, and clean my pond filter. I don't smell anything, but maybe I'm just acclimated. It could also be that it is extremely windy today. Maybe it's picking up something. When I opened my pen up for him to inspect and the ducks came rushing out to greet him, he was just smitten, I picked up my drake and let him pet him. Needless to say, I didn't get a citation.

My pond filter cannot keep up with the poop from the extra two ducklings. My fish are dying left and right, and the filter is disgusting. I bet this is where the smell is coming from. Even though I clean it every day, both myself and the filter can't seem to keep up.

Lastly, I live in the city, in a rented house. I am in my early twenties and a recent graduate from University. Currently, I am working at my college job still. I thought it would be best if I waited until I'm more rooted in a career and a city to start my farm.
I had one hell of a time finding a renter who would allow three ducks, can you imagine trying to talk my way into a house with FIVE!

As much as I would love to keep these newly added fluff butts, I think its for the best if I find them a new loving home. They are curious fellows and full of life. I'm hoping mama duck won't be too upset, or even the other ducks. Everyone seems to have bonded nicely.

I'm hoping I can find them a home easily. They are almost a month old, but I also think one is a male. I never vent sexed, but one is larger and more daring. My other concern is that white mallards are not really a common breed, I hope that doesn't turn people off!

I wish you were closer too! I'm willing to drive nearly anywhere in California to drop them off. I really want them to go to a great home. They definitely are special birds. I'm typing up an add right now for the BST section and for Craigslist.
I wish you were closer too! I'm willing to drive nearly anywhere in California to drop them off. I really want them to go to a great home. They definitely are special birds. I'm typing up an add right now for the BST section and for Craigslist. 
where in California are you? I'm in California. I wonder if I could talk the hubs into letting me take one (a female)
where in California are you? I'm in California. I wonder if I could talk the hubs into letting me take one (a female)

I live in Santa Barbara. I was hoping to rehome them together. I'm sure it's very stressful living somewhere for a month with four other ducks, and them bam, one day, you're all by your lonesome with a whole new flock. I feel bad enough breaking up the family. I couldn't bear the thought of the little booger not having its sibling

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