
Mar 21, 2017
Hi dear BYC'ERS !
I noticed a lot of people add some flowering or even wooden boards on their chickencoop door etc , so now I'm curious about what people do with their coops if it comes to decorate it / make it pretty .
Also a lot of people don't but everyone his or her choice in that , it is just that some of us do not find the need to decorate it or just don't have the time for it , which still doesn't affect any chicken ofcourse but if you did make something ' special ' please show it !! Might inspire others to decorate their coop who maybe just don't know how to create something cute , nice , pretty , special :) .

Personally I have decorated my coop because it is made out of old and eww material so I had my daughter on easer coming from school with all kinds of decoration which you only use on those days so this all became the decoration of my chickencoop , I had some wooden figures very small in the form of a rooster , some chicks and flowers attached to the door of the coop where I now put fresh flowers around :) ( waiting to do an upload of pictures once I know how the settings work of a photoalbum I now want to make online , so now i can also finally show my flock ! :D yeay )
I've seen some really cute coops in the 'coop section' (not sure where it is on the new site). Ours isn't very fancy but here's a pic...

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