Define abbreviations please


10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I am hoping someone will post a list of definitions for the multitude of common abbreviations that are used on this site such as DW, DH, RIR, EE, etc. I can figure out some but am lost on others. HELP!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DH - Dear Husband
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son
DW - Darn Wife (haha)
LOL - Laugh out loud
EE - Easter Egger
RIR - Road Island Red
RIW - Road Island White
BO - Buff Orpington
BOSS - Black Oil Sunflower Seed
OEG - Oriental Game Bird
SLW - Silver Laced Wyondotte

I am sure there are more but here are a few
This is in the FAQs ("Suggested Reading") section of the forum:
I'm posting a reply to this just so I can find it easier. I keep having to refer back to it to find out what type of chicken people are talking about. I get all of the normal abbreviations DH, DW etc. but i don't know enough about the different breeds to know their abbreviations. Thanks for posting these
I wish everyone would stop using abbreviations. I've been on this forum for a year, and 90% of the time I don't know what the writer is talking about. Does it take that long to type out the word(s)?

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