Definitely Bumblefoot?


Jun 29, 2022
Have a 4 yr old Orpington with what looked to me to be a classic bumblefoot black round scab. Photos attached- it’s a little wet and pink on the second one bc I had to rub off some dirt to get a better photo. I just noticed the scab last night when I gave her a butt bath because she’s a dirty girl. However, no limping or bothering with it, and no changes in behavior or eating/poop - nothing.

So I tried to do the epsom salt soak today to soften it. After 15 mins, zero change. It’s very hard and not at all raised up. No way that sucker was coming loose.

So I cleaned her foot well, put on a generous amount of neosporin and wrapped it up. Figured I’d repeat it all again for a few days. She’s not a fan of the bandage, and not sure she’ll continue to put up with me messing with her, even with sunflower seed bribes.

Is this definitely bumblefoot and needs removal? Or could it be an old scab I never noticed that I should leave alone?


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Yes. It is Bumblefoot.
Is this a sign of improvement or do I still need to keep working on it? Every other day, have soaked her foot in epsom salt bath for 15 mins, worked on the scabbed area (no knife- just what I could work off with my finger or dull tweezers). Then applied neosporin and silver honey and vet wrapped. There’s not been a plug or anything that looked like infection- just the hard scab. No blood.

This is how it looked today after 4 “treatments”. She’s still not limping or acting off, other than starting to molt today.

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