Deformed Baby Chicken, Give me your opinion.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Ok, In our recent hatch this chick was born with a odd looking deformity on it's head, it is acting fine and seems to be seeing fine, but it looks quite odd so I wanna know what you think.


I can't quite tell what it is from the pics. Too fuzzy. Can you describe what is going on?
Hard to tell from the pics but it looks like the skull is open and the brain is exposed. I have seen a few posts from people who have chicks with this problem. Sadly, they usually don't make it.
There is nothing to protect it from infection. If by chance it did make it, it would have to be kept away from other birds.

Is there any way it could be an injury?
it doesn't appear to be brain matter, sorry I can't really decribe what's wrong. I dont really know

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