Delaware Giant

...These are giant birds that were developed to be...for family farms were one chicken wasnt enough to feed the farm family.

This quote, almost verbatim, is used in description of the Jersey Giant on the breed website.​
This quote, almost verbatim, is used in description of the Jersey Giant on the breed website.

I would love to find the website and compare, can you give me the link? I wonder if they just copied the same wording from there?
I've got some in the bator from him now - on day 15..... I'll let you know how it turns out.... I had no broken eggs in shipment but only 9 out of 12 started to do anything by day 7.
I have ordered Delaware eggs from Ebay before. The seller I got mine from has not had any auctions in months. I have also contacted a few sellers and asked where the parent stock came from. They were friendly and quick to respond. I have seen the listing you referred to and have avoided it because it sounds like mass egg production to me and not "breeding" for quality birds. (That's just my opinion). I just wanted to let you know that you have options to ask the sellers questions and not get their eggs if you don't like the answers they give. Also, check out their Ebay feed back from other sellers. It may give you an idea of the type of seller you are dealing with.
I've paid attention to this seller too. He got the pic off of a NJ hatchery site, so even the pic may not be of his birds, or he owns the hatchery.(which I doubt!) Things like that just seem too fishy for me to get eggs from them. Good stock is sold on Ebay! Buy from "Buythebook" or "jmcdan" if you get them off of Ebay. I got 2 sets of eggs from Ebay myself. One from a seller that apparently has no clue what a real Del looks like, and another from whom I got some beautiful very close to standard birds.
Did you also see in the description where they said there are 2 sex-link hens in with them, so you might get those eggs too? They said they can usually tell them apart but theres still a good chance of you receiving those eggs. I've seen dozens and dozens of ebay sellers putting up pics that don't belong to them. I always email them and ask them for real pics of their birds and I let them know that I know they copied from "such and such" site. I always do my research and ask ALOT of questions. I don't know these people and as honest as I want to believe they all are, some just aren't. I'm going to have to look through my emails and see if I can find the lady who sells Delawares. She lives a couple/few hours from me and welcomed me to her home to come and see all of her birds, which included Delawares. If I find her, I can let you know. If she's willing to let me come to her house, chances are, is that she has pure Delawares. She also sent me many different pics of them.
Also, if you really want to make sure these are her birds....ask her to take a pic of them with a particular item in the pic with the birds.....that way, you know she is taking a current pic and they are hers. Ask her to put a paper, or a cup or something, you know what I the pic. Might sound stupid but I'd do it...
If the woman you are referring to is named Johanna, she is the seller I got my eggs from. She is from PA, she was super friendly and helpful, sent me pics and does have nice looking birds. (Her Ebay seller name is freeiibeme).

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