
awesome! i just went to lock down this morning on our 4 little serama eggs :love can't wait to see who pops out :frow
I have seven tiny little Nankin eggs in my 'bator at the moment. I don't really expect any to hatch, but who knows? Most of them are from newly laying pullets, so they're really tiny eggs, but it's also been so stinkin' cold that I doubt any of them survived until collection. They weren't frozen, but those little buggers were mighty cold! Still, I had to test the new incubator out, so I figured they deserved a shot. They're only at five days, right now, so I have to wait until next week to candle ... but until then, I'm guardedly hopeful!
I have seven tiny little Nankin eggs in my 'bator at the moment. I don't really expect any to hatch, but who knows? Most of them are from newly laying pullets, so they're really tiny eggs, but it's also been so stinkin' cold that I doubt any of them survived until collection. They weren't frozen, but those little buggers were mighty cold! Still, I had to test the new incubator out, so I figured they deserved a shot. They're only at five days, right now, so I have to wait until next week to candle ... but until then, I'm guardedly hopeful!

i'm not the most patient person so waiting to candle darn near killed me. i just google nankins and man o man they are cute!!
i'm not the most patient person so waiting to candle darn near killed me. i just google nankins and man o man they are cute!!
If you are seriously interested in bantams, Nankins are one of the oldest true bantams in the world. They're just one step off of Jungle Fowl - the original "wild chickens." Check them out n The Livestock Conservancy's website:
If you are interested in helping conserve the breed (they are classified as "Critically Endangered") keep in touch (or pm me.) I will have straight run chicks later in the year, and possibly a few breeding pairs. I currently have several young roosters (not quite 2 yrs) who could use a home. They're awfully pretty ... and very friendly little guys!.
If you are seriously interested in bantams, Nankins are one of the oldest true bantams in the world. They're just one step off of Jungle Fowl - the original "wild chickens." Check them out n The Livestock Conservancy's website:
If you are interested in helping conserve the breed (they are classified as "Critically Endangered") keep in touch (or pm me.) I will have straight run chicks later in the year, and possibly a few breeding pairs. I currently have several young roosters (not quite 2 yrs) who could use a home. They're awfully pretty ... and very friendly little guys!.

i live to save the world one good deed at a time and would totally go for this :love:love:love:love:D:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
OMG...they ARE cute!!! Unfortunately I can't do roos where I am at. I've "hidden" two in the two neighbors on either side of me didn't mind, but I can't trust the rest of the neighborhood. I looked up the site you posted and I was really surprised to see Sultans on the critical list. I have two. They remind me of Jim Henson Muppets. LOL. I am anxiously awaiting both of your incubating batches. I can't wait to see what you both get!!!
OMG...they ARE cute!!! Unfortunately I can't do roos where I am at. I've "hidden" two in the two neighbors on either side of me didn't mind, but I can't trust the rest of the neighborhood. I looked up the site you posted and I was really surprised to see Sultans on the critical list. I have two. They remind me of Jim Henson Muppets. LOL. I am anxiously awaiting both of your incubating batches. I can't wait to see what you both get!!!
Sultans are actually in more trouble than the Nankins. I was looking into them a few years ago, but a breeder actually scared me off of them for a very valid reason. According to them, many of the peeps sold these days as "Sultans" are heavily crossed with White Polish. While that's "legal," since there are no registration papers for chickens, it meant that they had to cull very heavily their first few years, just to get close to the Sultan SOP. If I remember correctly, out of maybe twenty chicks, they kept three, maybe four. I don't have the heart to cull that hard - I get too attached!
On a more positive note, I'm getting antsy to candle my little egglets, but it's too soon. I really should wait until Monday or Tuesday ... but I may go ahead and do it Sunday night. I HATE the waiting, especially when I know there's a very good chance that they're not viable ... fingers crossed for good veining!
I have seven tiny little Nankin eggs in my 'bator at the moment. I don't really expect any to hatch, but who knows? Most of them are from newly laying pullets, so they're really tiny eggs, but it's also been so stinkin' cold that I doubt any of them survived until collection. They weren't frozen, but those little buggers were mighty cold! Still, I had to test the new incubator out, so I figured they deserved a shot. They're only at five days, right now, so I have to wait until next week to candle ... but until then, I'm guardedly hopeful!

UPDATE - I candled last night. Out of eight eggs (I misquoted when I said seven) I have six duds. My guess is that they were never viable because they got too cold before collection. Those night-time (and even the daytime) temps were brutal! Of the two remaining, one is probably a quitter, but I left it in, anyway, just because "Hope springs eternal." The final egglet is happy and active - looping all over the place when I put it to the light.
So, out of eight, I have one potential chick. That's less than I was hoping for, but more than I expected. I thought about adding the three fresh eggs on my counter to the 'bator (for a staggered hatch,) but decided against it. I want to do the Easter Hatch-a-Long, so it's too late to add any more eggs. If I do, I'll miss the March 30th set-date. Right about now, I'm seriously wishing I had a second incubator, but I know my limitations. Adding a second unit would put me in the Chicken Math Danger Zone ... and would send my children into mutiny-mode!
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry you just have the one. :( Hopefully it won't quit and you'll have a healthy happy chick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Are you planning on setting Nankins for the Hatch-a-long or another breed/mix of breeds?
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry you just have the one. :( Hopefully it won't quit and you'll have a healthy happy chick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Are you planning on setting Nankins for the Hatch-a-long or another breed/mix of breeds?
Nope - no mixes. The Hatch-a-longs will all be Nankins. Other than Herman the House Rooster (a Silkie) and Yukon, my OEGB pet roo, the only other breed I have is a single pair of Porcelain D'Uccles. I'd like to set some of their eggs, as both birds ribboned in really large classes at our County Fair, last year. I don't think I will, though, as it's been hard drumming up interest in them. I live in a rural area, so everyone wants "real" chickens, not pretty bantams. I'd love to find a good 4H home for these two. They're pretty, they're sweet-tempered - and they're unique for around here. Out of several hundred birds, they were the only Porcelain D'uccles at the fair. They got thrown in with all of the other feather-footed bantams, even Silkies. That class was huge!

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