Delawares from kathyinmo

that the same one in previous post selected ? This guy looks bigger/ chunkier in this pic.
Congrats on BB - looks like your going the right direction.

Same fellow. He has never been around girls since he was 5 weeks old as all my cockerals get raised at a different property. He showed off the whole show for the pullet in the cage next to him and it really made a difference for the first impression and for the photo ops :) Of course, you get them in hand and they are what they are but he is a pretty nice bird, lots of filling out yet to do though :) Thanks for the congrats!!
Same fellow. He has never been around girls since he was 5 weeks old as all my cockerals get raised at a different property. He showed off the whole show for the pullet in the cage next to him and it really made a difference for the first impression and for the photo ops :) Of course, you get them in hand and they are what they are but he is a pretty nice bird, lots of filling out yet to do though :) Thanks for the congrats!!

I thought he looked really good in the show cage!

We complain about color in this line, but his bum fluff was super white, his legs were nice and yellow, eyes bright, comb, wattles & ears nice and red, and most of the black was in the right spots. Not only did he look healthy and well kept and energetic (but not hyper), he looked like a Delaware.

I'm really pleased you had one ready to show ... none of my males are "finished" enough at the moment, and I'm pretty sure I got some hatched before you did. I spotted at least one Delaware cockerel cull running around your property that was both HUGE and finished looking, though I know you designated him a cull wisely. I think we do have some variation in rate of maturation to work with when we start selecting for that.
Same fellow. He has never been around girls since he was 5 weeks old as all my cockerals get raised at a different property. He showed off the whole show for the pullet in the cage next to him and it really made a difference for the first impression and for the photo ops :) Of course, you get them in hand and they are what they are but he is a pretty nice bird, lots of filling out yet to do though :) Thanks for the congrats!!

Yep ! Girls will do that to guys . Glad he put on a good show. Next time remember to enter a pullet in the next cage .
Don't think that would be cheating
Just the competitive edge .
Just got in from butchering 20 current Delaware cockeral culls. It was really interesting to see the crooked keels minus the feathers and putting that together with how they felt when we evaluated the live birds last weekend. No way to know if it is my perching situation (environmental) or genetic but I had enough nice ones with a straight keel that did not want to risk the chance. Broke my heart to butcher some of those birds though, they were pretty nice! They certainly dress out beautifully, just as a meat bird should :)
Just got in from butchering 20 current Delaware cockeral culls.  It was really interesting to see the crooked keels minus the feathers and  putting that together with how they felt when we evaluated the live birds last weekend.  No way to know if it is my perching situation (environmental) or genetic but I had enough nice ones with a straight keel that did not want to risk the chance.  Broke my heart to butcher some of those birds though, they were pretty nice!  They certainly dress out beautifully, just as a meat bird should :)

Good job doing 20 at once! And really good they're finishing so nicely. Minus the crooked keels, though. I wonder what's up with that. Let us know how they taste!
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Just got in from butchering 20 current Delaware cockeral culls. It was really interesting to see the crooked keels minus the feathers and putting that together with how they felt when we evaluated the live birds last weekend. No way to know if it is my perching situation (environmental) or genetic but I had enough nice ones with a straight keel that did not want to risk the chance. Broke my heart to butcher some of those birds though, they were pretty nice! They certainly dress out beautifully, just as a meat bird should :)

I would like some dressed pictures and what age are they.
I have some F4 pics dressed.
I would like some dressed pictures and what age are they.
I have some F4 pics dressed.
Id like to know age and weight because im thinking mine are a bit on the small side but my girl in the back yard is running around with some hatchery buff Orps that were probably a few days older than her at hatch she is about the same as the smallest orp at almost 28 weeks. She just began squatting over the weekend too.

I know they fill out quite a bit between POL and 1 year as well.

She doesnt want to be handled very much but she sure does follow me around and whenever I go to the feed buckets she is right there you would think Im starving her to see how she acts. (Though there always seems to be feed available)
I would like some dressed pictures and what age are they.
I have some F4 pics dressed.

Will try to get a few pics, they are cooling in the ice chest with the exception of the two being boiled for stock at the moment. The smallest are around 4 LBS dressed. They are all 5 - 7 mos. old, that is as close as I can tell you at this point, the toe punches are gone :) They really do dress out beautifully though!

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