Delawares from kathyinmo

These were F4s at 37 weeks. I held longer than usual to select cock 1 & 2 from first group received from Kathy. For dual purpose we were happy with them.

Looks good. Looks like good breast and leg size. Have to tell me how tender 37 weeks is. Thats long in the tooth so to speak.
Looks good. Looks like good breast and leg size. Have to tell me how tender 37 weeks is. Thats long in the tooth so to speak.

Short answer is It ain't - but the wife makes em all tender . slow cook in the crock pot . Meat falls of the bone.
We pressure can them also and that does the tenderizing job. Thats great for a quick meal with BBQ sauce.
I would not hold them this long except when deciding who wins the breed forward lottery.
Short answer is It ain't - but the wife makes em all tender . slow cook in the crock pot . Meat falls of the bone.
We pressure can them also and that does the tenderizing job. Thats great for a quick meal with BBQ sauce.
I would not hold them this long except when deciding who wins the breed forward lottery.

20 Lashes, I just brought four more in to make more stock, cut them up and they are boiling away......... Tomorrow night we Vacu pack the rest, will try to remember to take a few pics. Getting older ain't for sissies...............

Busy life, crock pot is my best friend. Tender chicken every time!
Has anyone noticed issues of soft/thin shell eggs with this line/breed. The birds have layer pellet feed and oyster shell. It seems that a few birds develop thin/soft shelled eggs quite quickly when the additional calcium runs out of they get a little more treats than normal.

Its not all birds in the flock so specific birds seem more susceptible than others but in my mixed flock it seems to be the Dels that suffer this more than other breeds.
Chris we get one sporadically but not constant. Sometimes I think one hen gets a couple then it clears up . I had an EE that did it often.
All the same feed so don't think its related. Our pellets do not have extra calcium added but all get oyster shells free serve..
I think its related to the individual hen. The other day we got a 1.5" tiny egg and I don't have any pullets ? Maybe related to coming back into lay after molt ?
Don't have a answer just guessing.
Chris we get one sporadically but not constant. Sometimes I think one hen gets a couple then it clears up . I had an EE that did it often.
All the same feed so don't think its related. Our pellets do not have extra calcium added but all get oyster shells free serve..
I think its related to the individual hen. The other day we got a 1.5" tiny egg and I don't have any pullets ? Maybe related to coming back into lay after molt ?
Don't have a answer just guessing.
I do think its related to a specific hen but I was wondering because my other breeds with them don't seem to suffer this if there was something in the genetics that may make individual birds more susceptible. Maybe something in the specific birds ability to metabolize the calcium. Just thinking out loud.
I do think its related to a specific hen but I was wondering because my other breeds with them don't seem to suffer this if there was something in the genetics that may make individual birds more susceptible. Maybe something in the specific birds ability to metabolize the calcium. Just thinking out loud.

Another thing to consider is some kind of infection.

or management issues
A couple photos of the one of the potential breeder cockerels we marked when the team was here. The first photo was taken a couple weeks ago, the other was taken I think yesterday. He is starting to fill out, which is a relief. They go through such an awkward stage, especially if they have high, wide shoulders (which I learned is desirable). They change fast after about 20 weeks. I think he was hatched mid April.

Color isn't great, but we think maybe it's workable. I'm hoping his back line gets more symmetrical and less tilty looking.

And for comparative purposes, here is a photo of Mr. Fatty, who is his father (same as my avatar). I see the resemblance. I think Junior might end up with a bit more chest and longer back (fingers crossed).


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