Depressed chick????

What you are doing is good! Just keep her company as much as you can, and sitting on the porch with her helps
. she just needs time to fully calm down and for her body to recover. Also I don't quite like Rusty (or my other chicks Godzilla and Megatron) sit on my shoulders or head, but they keep trying to get there, so I let them perch on me for a few minutes, then to the floor or lap with them
Good to hear she seems to have some improvement. Keep her warm, hydrated and well fed in a quiet area, and watch out for drafts.
Update: Rio is still alive and well-enough. She still has absolutely no balance and flops all over the place. Amazingly the other chickens don't pick on her even though 2 turned out to be Roos. She is considerably smaller than the others but eats well and poops fine. I really don't know what to think. Her attitude is fine, she doesn't even seem to notice that she is different. They tend to trample her a little when they all run to greet me, but unintentionally and they actually avoid stepping on her while eating even though she gets in the way alot. I'm gonna build her a special ground level roost, she can roost but not high for fear of falling off.
She can't stay too clean, she uses her wings for balance alot and they get so dirty poor thing. But she's a sweetheart and still gorgeous.


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