
Photography my fav!!!!
All the time Red, really struggling right now. I think it's time to talk to my doc about trying new meds. I want to be happy, but for some dumb reason I can't.
:hugs Lisa. Hope you feel better soon.

When I feel real bad I let myself cry, then I remember I have a bunch of good things in my life. There are a lot of people that are doing worse than me. Also make the doctor appointment about trying something different. A good soak in the tub and a cup of hot tea feels good. Most important for me is talking to people. I'm not happy but at times I am content.
Oh yes. I always remind myself that I'm not the only one and there's people out there that has it a lot worse then me.

So can relate Red, hubs doesn't understand depression so he hasn't a clue. He doesn't understand chronic pain either. He has no idea what it is like to hurt day in & day out. He's used to me being able to be superwoman, but I can't anymore. I get so frustrated with myself. I want to be physically like I was years ago before the back problems, but unfortunately I never will be again. I hate even admitting any of this stuff because I want to be tougher than that, feel like a big baby most days. This only makes the depression worse.
God I so feel like a big baby sometimes. I've finally started talking to someone about depression. She opens my eyes to some things. Other things I think that she wishes that she didn't open my eyes too.

The worst thing about suffering depression for me is when people do not understand it is a disease, and you can not control your symptoms just like other diseases. You can not say, well i don't want to be depressed so i am going to cheer up. That is like if you had chicken pox and you said i don't like these spots so they go away. But you can take steps to help you feel better about yourself. Maybe you don't want to go outside but you make yourself do it. The sunshine and fresh air may lift your spirits and you may actually feel a bit better. But if you stay in a dark room in the rocking chair, you are not helping yourself try to feel better. Personally, getting away from the city has been a huge step for me. I feel MUCH better and get outside every day.
That is truly one of the wort things. And even if a person hasn't even given you a reason to make you think that they don't believe you, I still feel as if they don't. Anyone one else feel like this? I know it sounds stupid but no matter what I do I can't help it.

I love it outside & I live in the country. I can't imagine living in a city. I would be miserable if I couldn't be outside. Red @rIrs roost I couldn't imagine living in NC with your temps & humidity. Just about killed me when we came to visit you guys.
Be glad you're not here now. It's so terrible here now. I think that's a big reason for the way that I feel right now. So hot and humid that I can't breathe good outside. I tried this morning to sit out with the chickens but it's impossible right. I've tried going outside at night. It's better but still feels like you're in a sweat room.
We have lots of beautiful birds here. Two pairs of hummingbirds come to our feeder and are really sucking back the nectar! Trying to get the regular bird feeder hung up.
I also bought a hummingbird feeder , they are beautiful birds. Here they chase others away from the feeder. I have only seen a male and female sipping at the same time. I also planted flowers for them and the bees, I get a few butterflies too. I hope today is a good day for everyone here.

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