
Ouch, that must have hurt!
Yeah, and when i had the truck wreck i think it hurt my ribs more because they are getting worse instead of better. The other vehicle hit just behind my door so it was the same side i already hurt. The doctor checked my breathing and said if the rib was cracked i would not be able to touch it. Bull! I have had broken ribs twice and two kids without medication! What does she know about what i can do. I find doctors in general do not want to discuss mental health either because they don't believe you, have no sympathy or it will take to much of their precious time. Even the doctors trained in psych seem to just sit back and listen to you talk but make few suggestions on how to help yourself.
Yeah, and when i had the truck wreck i think it hurt my ribs more because they are getting worse instead of better. The other vehicle hit just behind my door so it was the same side i already hurt. The doctor checked my breathing and said if the rib was cracked i would not be able to touch it. Bull! I have had broken ribs twice and two kids without medication! What does she know about what i can do. I find doctors in general do not want to discuss mental health either because they don't believe you, have no sympathy or it will take to much of their precious time. Even the doctors trained in psych seem to just sit back and listen to you talk but make few suggestions on how to help yourself.
When I was a teenager my mother made me see a psychiatrist, parents were splitting up. At first all he wanted to do was talk about my gay sister, not my problems. Then after a few months I found him staring at my breasts. I was like 15 years old , my sister saw the same dr. We decided he wasn't helping us. Mother never sent us back to psychiatrists
When I was a teenager my mother made me see a psychiatrist, parents were splitting up. At first all he wanted to do was talk about my gay sister, not my problems. Then after a few months I found him staring at my breasts. I was like 15 years old , my sister saw the same dr. We decided he wasn't helping us. Mother never sent us back to psychiatrists
Most men are pigs. Sorry guys but i have seen many fewer good guys over the years compared to the jerks. Very unprofessional of him.
It surely could be. When I start to feel like I am not breathing right, it will kick my heart rate up then wham the whole attack comes. It can also go the other way too, my heart rate kicks up, then my breathing then the attack starts. Its totally insane!!

I am 70 now. Have been depressed most of my life but didn't know it. Family said I was just lazy or faking. Even though my sister had panic attacks and was depressed (I considered her the only normal one in the family, " her "symptoms were genuine. My problems were all in my head - DUH yes they were.

My father always blamed me for being the screwball in the family. He had severe anger issues. My mom had agoraphobia(we didn't know the name then) and panic attacks which she said were caused by her iron pills.:confused: . My sister's two daughters both had panic attacks. Gee I must have infected them - like chickens bringing Black head disease to turkeys.

Every one including family doctor said i should just "pull myself together," "think happy thoughts," and stop dragging everyone else down. At one point when my sister was having her acute depression, she said she couldn't talk to me because I depressed HER so much.:barnie

People don't WILL themselves to be depressed anymore than people choose to be diabetic, or have thyroid trouble.
It's so easy for dr's and others to say just raise yourself up if they've never been through depression. How do you do this? I think all of us here would like to know how to build yourself up and truly believe it.

Most men are pigs. Sorry guys but i have seen many fewer good guys over the years compared to the jerks. Very unprofessional of him.
I'm a man and I have to say that you're right about most men. And the dr that did this should've been reported. That's just sick.
My dad and mom don't trust doctors and it wasn't helping me to not see one.... I wanted to at least talk to a naturopath about the issues I was facing!

Where lived there was no good doctor's but since moving to AK I have gotten to have my Nanas doctor work with me... We clicked instantly and he great, was really able to help me... And he is very trusted in the family along with friends so that helps!

He also deals with what I have seasonal depression and headaches... I've been able to control them better with his help!

I so have a hard time trusting people especially lately due to some experiences so finding one I could trust first time has helped!

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