Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

If Derp is injured or worse by that Dog, we will form a DERP Flash Mob at the Dog's house, and who knows what will transpire?
I agree! It was SO sad when the Chickendads lost Barbera
. At least she was immortalized on coffee cups (one is in my cupboard).

Aw, lookit how much she loves your DH, that is too cute for words!
Please don't jinx Derp - Come on guys be serious none of you would REALLY come out and eliminate the dog. Can't we move on to brighter things to talk about?
Awesome, the new form of passive resistance - move aside Gandhi, here comes the great political age of 'Derping'! thanks for the photos fud lady, Coho cracked me up too! Chicken stories about the whole flock are fine by me.
I loved reading about Barbara... especially since I have a clever barred rock myself. So sad when she died! I don't want to hurt the dog unless there is no other resort. I'm hoping that the owners are reasonable, since it's illegal to let the dogs run here. Fingers crossed that it's just an oversight.

I'm pulling some photos off my camera tonight. I'll have a post or three together in the next few days! I've been swamped with holiday orders so I'm still behind.

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