Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I think vet wrap and ace bandage would be too soft to provide the support he needs. I was thinking, a metal splint with foam on it... Like what they use for finger splints in humans ( .

The ankle, which is up high on birds, just slides out from under him when he tries to put weight on it without support. I am waiting to hear back from my vet, as I trust her experience. I don't want to make things worse if he should just rest it without a splint!
I think vet wrap and ace bandage would be too soft to provide the support he needs. I was thinking, a metal splint with foam on it... Like what they use for finger splints in humans ( .

The ankle, which is up high on birds, just slides out from under him when he tries to put weight on it without support. I am waiting to hear back from my vet, as I trust her experience. I don't want to make things worse if he should just rest it without a splint!

You are such a good chicken mom, fud lady. :hugs

That is just an aderpable look !
They were good xrays. We could see his tendons pretty clearly.
The vet was unable to get back to me today, I should hear from her tomorrow. :) In any case, it really does seem as if he has an injury but is not in pain, and it does not seem like Marek's! This is all good news. I am very patient if he needs time to heal. He is such a sweet and good boy!!
At least it's not a dislocated hip !!! Guy I follow one of his stupid pekin ducks flew in the barn in a panic and landed wrong and injured her hip it seems. Though from what I read in that forums it took five months for the hen with the hurt tendon. I am sure it will take months instead of weeks with poor Baron's ligament. Well at least chicken poop is somewhat easier to deal with than ducks. He has three sick ducks to care in his mudroom, and the only way he deals with the poop is by putting Corrugated Plastic Cardboard. One muscovy he has had for a month in the mudroom because she got bad frost bite on her feet, and is slowly healing. The other is a female pekin with he thinks is her hip, and the his one female pekin with a club foot in inside to because she was limping very badly. But then he is in Canada and in worse cold this week with the wind it got to -40 C.

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