Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Sure! Stuff like that is a-okay by me. :) The sort of thing that isn't okay is stuff like putting the images on webpages, or selling them somehow without permission. If you want to put Derp on your phone or computer background, go for it! We're both flattered... though Derp doesn't know what flattered means. It probably means something like how she looks when she's sleepy. Flatter.

OK, now that made me laugh.

No posts since Tuesday!?!?!?! NONE????? Nothing?? Nada???

Don't die 'Derp-thread'!
(where's the @#$!% 'doing CPR' smiley!)

1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread?
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed?
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get?
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop?
5. Is it framed?
Fun quiz!

No to all of them except the first one - (I know - I should get busy) - but I got interested in the breed after reading about Derp, and am getting some Spring babies (bantams) this year. (plus I had an empty coop, which we all know is just...wrong.)

1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread? Already have one.
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed? Mine isn't.
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get? - Haven't bought anything yet.
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop? - Not me.
5. Is it framed? LOL!!

1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread? Ok, not strictly because of this thread, but it certainly pushed me into the right direction!
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed? Mine won't arrive till June 4th
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get? Nothing... Yet...
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop? I honestly thought about it!!
5. Is it framed? Of course it will be, otherwise it might get dirty!


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