Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Derperella's life growing up as a 'defective' pullet was no less adventurous. As she continued to grow, it became more and more clear to her people that nothing about her was going to be normal.

Even her feathers were coming in the 'wrong' colors! While her people had no great ambitions about her quality, it was no less amusing that poor Derp couldn't even grow normal Salmon Faverolles colors.

Much more disturbing was the fact that Derp's entire skull seemed to be slightly askew. Yes... as she grew it was more and more clear that her face was indeed twisted to one side.


Soon, the other pullets were reaching an age where the terrible pecking order was starting to be laid out.
Surely this deformed, runty and mentally handicapped chicken would be as low on the list as one could get! Her people were actually quite scared the other chickens would sense something wrong with her and beat the tar out of poor Derp.

But... no!
Derperella actually simply didn't seem to care about things like pecking orders. She mistook chest bumping for saying hello, and would affectionately preen the other chicken's face. When they'd peck her so say "I'm boss of you!", Derp would sit there and stare into space. Their disciplines had no effect on her! And so it was that Derp was not only high on the totem pole... she seemed to be outside of it entirely.

Desperella looks so much like my Karen. My girl is is most likely a Faverolle-Orpington mix according to the woman I got the egg from. Karen has one fifth toe. I think she is beautiful!

What do you think? They could be sisters???
You guys are a riot! I love the survey!!

Karen is so sweet looking! What is her personality like?

Our March has been unseasonably warm. Most years, I am still shoveling snow... this year, I have been wearing a t-shirt outside!! What the heck?! And it's supposed to stay this way. Very, very strange indeed.

Mr. Gullincambe continues to be over-amorous to his girls and they are looking pretty scruffy. Certainly not lovely and photo-perfect. I've given the girls some relief from him for most of the day, and he goes to his new home the weekend after this upcoming one. I will miss him, but the girls probably won't. Derp is missing all of her head feathers, one entire cheek/muff, and half of her beard. Yikes!! She continues to be happy though, so she will just need to regrow them.

I am setting aside some money to expand my run by another 16' x 16' this spring and I'm putting in a 'chicken garden'... that is, a frame with hardware cloth over it so that the grasses and weeds can grow up through it. With Gullin gone, it will be even more important for me to be vigilant during free ranging, and I want to give the girls a lot more extra room inside their secure run for when I am not around.

1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread? Already had a trio
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed? On occassion
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get? Not yet... I want a t-shirt though, but since I am losing weight, I am waiting.
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop? Not happening. I don't want my chickens to feel dejected for not hanging their pictures too.
5. Is it framed?

Fun quiz!

No to all of them except the first one - (I know - I should get busy) - but I got interested in the breed after reading about Derp, and am getting some Spring babies (bantams) this year. (plus I had an empty coop, which we all know is just...wrong.
Yes, yes it is. Very wrong. AND you are smart to fill it with Favs.

1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread?
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed?
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff?  And what did you get?
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop?
5. Is it framed?

every second of every day
(sad face) no
Durp! I didn't take my own quiz!


1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread?

2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed?
Haven't placed the order for chicks yet... STILL haven't gotten the coop built - so won't know till .....?

3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get?
Yes. Post cards that I'm sending off to a bunch of friends so my Mom can receive cards from "Derp" from all over the country. She LOVES Derp!

4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop?
I think that Derp is much too big of a personality for a simple framed pict. A full wall mural would be more appropriate.

5. Is it framed?
Is what framed?????
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1. I would if I could but I don't have space.

2. See above
3. Not yet, but I would like some sort of Derp-themed things.
4. I don't have a picture hanging in my coop....... yet.
5. It will be!
I just started reading this post and it is amazing! Nambroth, you are an amazing writer and photographer and I wish I found this thread sooner! Also, I love Derp, what a character! She reminds me of a very "special" pet I had once. Cheers to both of you! Keep on Derping! This is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read!:)

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