Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Ok, I just found this thread, starting reading it early this morning and read the entire thread! I truly loved it and Derp is so lucky to have found a home with you! I will be subscribing to this thread. You did a wonderful job with the photos and the writing. I love it!
I have had Fav's in my flock for about a year now and I absolutely love them. I have the bantams and the boys are just as sweet as the girls! I had 4 of them, 2 boys and 2 girls named Laverne, Shirly, Lenny & Squiggy and yes Squiggy reminds me of the male version of Derp. He was appropiately named too because he has a curl in his tail feathers. Sadly, Laverne went missing at my old house without a trace. I have been trying to get more bantams but they are hard to find. I did just purchase eggs but none of them hatched so I still only have 3Favs.
Here is little Shirley. She was always the tiny one out of her and Laverne

The Squigster...see the curl in his tail! LOL

And Last but not least Lenny

I have to show off Lil Munch....or Munchie. He is half Faverolle and so funny. He just cant seem to get a harem of girl going. He tried to mate with individuals but none of the hens have taken to him. I think he is precious and Id love him to find a mate so I could get some babies from him.
Munchie is very cute! At least he knows how to mate. Poor Squiggy couldn't get it right and I would find him on Shirley sideways and backwards. Shirley would just look at him all disgusted like "Aren't you ever going to get this right? " LOL He is doing better now though. LOL
Your faverolles roosters are so handsome! I think they are a riot.
Are they as calm as the hens? Are they quiet? Gullincambe, my way (way, way) too hormonal roo went to his new home this past weekend and I will miss him protecting the girls. I won't miss his extremely loud/frequent crowing and his tearing up of the hens though!! I don't want to deal with that again.
Munchie is very cute! At least he knows how to mate. Poor Squiggy couldn't get it right and I would find him on Shirley sideways and backwards. Shirley would just look at him all disgusted like "Aren't you ever going to get this right? " LOL He is doing better now though. LOL

I have a little blind roo who mates mostly with the ground and when he does actually find a hen he sometimes gets on backwards. It is funny.

Yes, Muchie has it right, now all he needs is a few hens who think he is as handsome as I think he is!
Your faverolles roosters are so handsome! I think they are a riot.
Are they as calm as the hens? Are they quiet? Gullincambe, my way (way, way) too hormonal roo went to his new home this past weekend and I will miss him protecting the girls. I won't miss his extremely loud/frequent crowing and his tearing up of the hens though!! I don't want to deal with that again.

Oooh- yeah, you should definitally get a salmon faverolle rooster. I don't have one but from what I've heard, they are very docile and gental kind of like the hens. This is what it says about the roos off MPC: Male Faverolles are particularly calm and dignified, and make great roosters for the home flock since they are not as aggressive as some others.

I've heard they are some of the best roosters out there! Very docile and calm :)
Is this true about the roos? Im getting fav eggs this week and next and Im thinking of breeding these, MAYBE. If the roosters dont attack ppl that would be a plus!
Love this thread, just found it again after several months.
I am hoping the description is right as I have a Favorelle Roo coming in my batch of chicks I ordered from the hatchery. I could let you know how it goes, but you will have to wait a while of course, lol, the chicks don't even get here till June 4... boy oh boy I can't wait!!


1. So how many folks have decided to add faverolles to their flock strictly because of this thread? Not strictly, but all the great close up photography reminded me that I really wanted these!
2. Those of you who have adult faverolles - do they, in general, seem to be a little 'Derpy' as a breed? Getting my first dozen eggs to set this week, I think all chickens have the Derp potential.
3. Who has bought Derp Stuff? And what did you get? No, but I think its great that there is Derp Stuff available, I think its fun.
4. Who has a picture of Derp hanging in their coop? No, but if someone handed me one, I would hang it!
5. Is it framed? I would def. frame it and hang it in the Faverolle coop so they could admire her!

Ok Ill admit Im wasting time posting on byc, but much more fun than doing dishes, lol!
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