Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

He's probbably a good old fashioned BARNIE, alittle of this and a little of that.. I would guess EE and game will be a surprize!
Just wanted to share while I was just sittin' here derpalurking
I would love to have SFs like y'all, but my RSLs are way bossy and would be too much for them. I'm just happy to share in the derpitude here. I do have my heart set on some Lavender Orpingtons, though. I have two buffies (Henny Boo Boo and Prince Eric) and I love their big fat fluffiness. I also have two LHs, Dora and Diego. Diego is the alpha rooster. Paprika(RSL) is the alpha hen. Then there are Dottie and Cricket and my four little fluffies(a mixed hatch from my flock) that are in the brooder.

Hi Spursfan,
Is that a package of Nerds I see in the background? Yum, I haven't had those in years, I want some now. your little man is very cute and distinguished looking. I mean in a good way. He is very colorful, and has a friendly face.

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