

11 Years
Jul 17, 2008
North Central Florida
I WON'T give away the ending but.....the movie is nothing like the book....

When a movie based on a book comes out, my kids read the book then we watch the movie to compare and contrast.....this time it was FAR more contrast than comparison...

--Both were good, though....
We spent some time discussing the differences after we saw the movie. I like to try and have my boys read/hear books before we see the movies they are made into. We all decided that though they were very different, we like both versions equally and for different reasons.
Interesting. Yet another book that I haven't read, and is on my reading list to get to, before I watch the movie. (I haven't even started on the Twilight series yet... Too many other books in line first!)
My 6yo daughter said the same thing--the way she put it is that the movie "went backwards" compared to the way the story was laid out in the book. I didn't go to the movie that night, so I can't say firsthand, and my husband, who went to the movie, didn't read the book!

My daughter is just finishing up "Because of Winn-Dixie," which is by the same author, and she also REALLY enjoyed Camillo's "Louise: The Adventures of a Chicken."
I love it when kids realize the movie in the head is WAY better than screen. My son kept saying "see there, that was not in there!!" He has no tolerance for director creativity.
The next book we are going to start is Inkheart . I'm not sure when that movie comes out, but I want the kids to be finished with the book before they see the movie. The plotline looks really good to me.
I bought my 11 year old daughter the book 3 years ago and it has been her favorite book since. She also had similar comments. She liked the movie but said that the movie really didn't follow the storyline of the book too well and that it was disappointingly different. I told her that's why reading will always be better than accepting someone else's interpretation.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but that is one of my biggest pet peeves. Directors who can't come up with original material on their own and then can't even stick true to a decent piece of literature.

The last movie that I saw that would be an example of this was I Am Legend (author Richard Matheson) with Will Smith. If you can't follow the simple plotline of a book, why bother? Honestly...
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