destruction and disposal orders HELP

I thought you knew too much!!! :)
My husband and I drive through Canton on the way back here (Winfred) when we go there for holidays, etc...
Wow, I just saw the clip. I'm so glad it's all working out. I would have been devastated for you. Congratulations and good job fighting for your flock!!
All it takes is thousands of dollars and a little masochism
Yeah, could be one of the reasons I don't have one. lol

they're easier than a pond , once established ... i don't know a LOT about SW ... you can find a LOT of reliable resources on the net..if you ever get into it, i'd be more than happy to pm sources i've learned to trust..but i am VERY rusty w/ SW.... (know what i need to know kind of thing)....but they are fun.... can end up being more expensive than a backyard pond tho
I'll keep that in mind Thanks
One of the highest risks (I was told about) is our freindly neighborhood feed store ! Think about it:
Hundreds of us poultry people are walking in & out of that feed store...And that is when a friend of mine asked another great question: What about the feed itself ?
Where is the feed from ?
Iowa ?????
Kansas ?
Minnesota ?
Could our feed contain minute traces of infection, like a sick 'tweety' song bird flies over the grain & poos..............?
I have no answer for that !

God, that's a really good point. Where's the scared to death emoji?

I love me some kimchi!

Trying it for my first time tonight!

& Blue Gold,
& the Oiling of America
Oh and Fat, Sick & nearly Dead
Just to mention a few

My family is going to hate you after I am done watching these last three. Hahahaha

Thanks for the details, maps and links e1. Byc ROCKS! \m/
I was just thinking - there's a hatchery just right "next door" to Hudson, in Innwood, Iowa, I mean wayy close. Wonder if they use just Hudson as a mail drop? Neither town is very doggone big. Actually Innwood might a little bigger, but not by much if I remember right. There used to be a guy who raised ostriches and such between Canton and Innwood. NOT pointing fingers - just a geography lesson. Teehee
Might explain why there is no reports in SD !
Oops, now I didn't say that that was the case....I don't want to be casting a wide net and catching some poor hatchery owner in it who had nothing to with this.
no worries...just wondering why it was not reported (in SD), and it may explain by the fact that it is so much on the boarder.
Just a thought John

When your flock clear quarantine on the 4th of July and return all negative tests, I wonder if it is worth seeing if CBS will do a follow up to the story? Especially considering the date.

At the moment it rests at 1. destroy order issued, 2. reversed, 3. flock quarantined and I believe it needs to have closure with 4. flock passed quarantine, tested negative throughout and had the owner not spoken up would have been destroyed.

My thoughts are that it needs to be shown that the decision to destroy was not only a hasty one which was luckily reversed but that is was also the wrong one and had it gone ahead all of your babies would have been destroyed for no reason.

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