destruction and disposal orders HELP

Either...i failed to read, or it was failed to be mentioned...

Was it ever mentioned "who" showed first? I noticed mention of USDA.
But not the acronym for the ones who arrived with the 'order'.
SW and Koi ponds are both very very addicting, and fascinating.
I never watched TV when I had my salt tank.....
And I could never practice "moderation" either...I had to have 1 of every color, every type, in both salt & koi...and then the blues.
Now I am doing the same thing with chickens !
Imagine that !

laughing with you, not at you ---i see just a LITTLE of myself there....
Just a thought John

When your flock clear quarantine on the 4th of July and return all negative tests, I wonder if it is worth seeing if CBS will do a follow up to the story? Especially considering the date.

At the moment it rests at 1. destroy order issued, 2. reversed, 3. flock quarantined and I believe it needs to have closure with 4. flock passed quarantine, tested negative throughout and had the owner not spoken up would have been destroyed.

My thoughts are that it needs to be shown that the decision to destroy was not only a hasty one which was luckily reversed but that is was also the wrong one and had it gone ahead all of your babies would have been destroyed for no reason.
would be cool
Either...i failed to read, or it was failed to be mentioned...

Was it ever mentioned "who" showed first? I noticed mention of USDA.
But not the acronym for the ones who arrived with the 'order'.
'notice of quarantine', on June 9th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer services, division of animal and food industry svcs

'destruction and disposal order', on June 11th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer svcs

on june 9th, va doa showed up an hour or so ahead of the usda

on june 11th, it was simultaneous
'notice of quarantine', on June 9th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer services, division of animal and food industry svcs

'destruction and disposal order', on June 11th, commonwealth of va, dept of agriculture and consumer svcs

on june 9th, va doa showed up an hour or so ahead of the usda

on june 11th, it was simultaneous
And then came BYC and CBS.....
Why does the chicken cross the road? Because a chicken goes where she wants to go. As much as we would love that to be a true sentiment, we claim birds as our property to protect them. It takes true courage to defend what is yours, especially in Virginia. I lived there for several years in the military, but I really think that you have done more to serve the rights of the citizens in America than any one ever could. Thank you.

I was curious bc i saw a vehicle marked ICS drive down
my road and we've had no disasters in my area. I stay way out
in the country and after reading your post...well, you see where
Im going with this. Lol.

Im glad all worked out for you.
Oh...i just had a couple other questions hit me...

Did they just happen to be driving along and notice you had chickens?
Or, was it because you had ordered from an infected source previously?
And i forget the other question...

Forgive me if its all been covered earlier.
I believe it started because the op had ordered eggs from a seller who had shipped, before they found out there was AI . They confiscated the op's eggs and they were NEGATIVE. Despite THAT, they had issued destruction & disposal orders. Forgive me for not remembering the acronyms
I believe it started because the op had ordered eggs from a seller who had shipped, before  they found out  there was   AI  .    They confiscated the op's eggs and they were NEGATIVE.  Despite THAT,  they had issued destruction & disposal orders.   Forgive me for not remembering the acronyms
I think that was pretty accurate. I think they also tested his birds, were still negative, and still were going to destroy without quarantine
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