destruction and disposal orders HELP

This is ridiculous. I'm practically bawling over the senseless killing of all those gorgeous birds. I would think they'd allow daily, or every other day testing as none of your birds or eggs tested positive. No, instead the state decides let's just kill them and throw money at the guy and call it done. That's ridiculous.
Have you contacted the media? There will be LOTS of cameras then.

That's a great idea :thumbsup
Call your local news station

Call FOX they love to cover governmental screw ups.

At this point I think this would be your best bet. I've seen FOX news get many things stopped and started because of the negative publicity it brings. Wish you the best of luck.
If you fight them it will give anyone else that might face it in the future a better chance.
johnskoi I too would like to add my support and hopes that you can get this stopped.

Bringing in the media and PETA are great ideas.

Your birds are beautiful and obviously healthy and very much loved; to destroy them on a negative result is criminal!

At the very least you should be given the opportunity to retest.

My thoughts are with you
CBS news just left ... toward the end of the interview, i received a phone call letting me know that my flock has been brought back to quarantine status... THANK YOU EVERYBODY for thoughts prayers and helpful info --- it would NOT have happened without the
group effort
...i have a lot of phone calls to make right now! peace to all

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