detached air sacs and partially detached air sacs


11 Years
Nov 25, 2009
I have 2 eggs that have an air sac that goes from end to end of the egg when it is turned. I have like 4 that are kind of moving around just the top half of the egg. I can flip the egg upside down and the air sac will still stay at the top but it is still a little wobbly. Will the semi kind of detached air sacs hatch well?
I have hatched both. What I do is set them in an egg carton and barely turn them. Candle them upright as well! The typical hatch rate for me is about 30-50% for those eggs (however the last batch of eggs I got in the mail all had broken air sacs and not one hatched- very disapointing!). I would certainly try though!

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