Devastating - the dog killed another chicken

electric fence around outside perimeter of the coop or shock collar AND a commitment to consistent training for the dog.

Also predator proof your coop to ensure no predator can get it. I have stock panels lined w/chicken wire for the run.
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This is not entirely true. I have trained bird hunting dogs that hang out with our chickens. One barred rock chick (5 weeks) got out of the fencing into the neighbors cow pasture. My 6 month old lab pick it up and brought it to me- unharmed.

As for stopping your dog- an old wives tale that friends have used and it worked- was to tie the dead chicken to the dogs neck, put it in a pen and leave for several days-like a week. Yes it sounds nasty, but it works. The dogs they did this to never touched another chicken.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope the electric fence is working well. But, I think you know that training is still essential!

Basic obedience
should not even be an option for any dog owner! you need to get him to learn "LEAVE IT". If he goes in the direction of a chicken, "leave it" should change his direction.

And let me tell you-that "if the dog gets a taste of blood he'll never stop killing" IS NOT TRUE!

My mastiff is raw fed-80% chicken! He will pounce at them when he is eating but he will not hurt one.

Best of luck to you and your dog,

~~It is the resposible pet owner that sees problems through and doesn't just "whack" the offender!
Your a good dog and chicken mommy!

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