Devastating - the dog killed another chicken

Thank you everyone for your posts. We may have solved the issue by using electric fence. We just ran it around the weak area in the fence (not touching, around the outside). The dog will respect the fence (he has in the past), so I think the hens are now safe. We would never leave him with the chickens, and didn't know he could get them through the fence (the spot was so small).

I think you all who indicated that training would probably not work are probably right. We are just going to have to have very good fencing.
Training can work, if you do it right and reinforce the training often. You might try a book by Cesar Milan, Ceasar's Way. In addition to the fence, I mean. I'd reinforce that weak spot, even though you have the electric there.

I have broken several dogs of killing chickens, and other from chasing chickens. It can be done, even if they have actually killed some. Two of the ones I broke of the habit got so laid back about poultry, that the chickens could come right up and eat seeds that were stuck to their fur. The dogs just sat there. Or laid there, as was often the case.
Ugh so hate cesar millan but that's a different thread.

Training can work but it will never gurantee a dog left alone won't kill the chickens. Dogs should be supervised or properly confined when around prey animals. Training only makes them safe while your around and will delay them harming your chickens when you aren't around. It won't stop a dog's instincts when there is nothing else there to do so.
sounds like you need to train your dog ...any dog can be trained . if you are not able / willing to train the dog i would get rid of the birds
Lots of good ideas!!

My advice would be a combination of the above---

1) reinforce your coop!!

2) the underground fence idea is wonderful, for coop/run-kept birds. It obviously wouldn't work for free rangers

3) If you have an outside dog, get a 10'x10' dog kennel, along with reinforcing your coop. A lot of different dog breeds can climb pretty well, especially hunting-type dogs.

4) a shock collar would only work when you are there to shock the dog, but it should work

5) an old wives' tale says to tie the dead bird to the collar of the dog until it falls off on its own. I haven't tried this, but it is supposed to work.

I have a chicken killer too, and she had to be tied up. No dogs in the house here
She has gotten loose on occasion, but thankfully hasn't killed anyone else. Mostly she ignores the chickens now, whether she is on a leash or a chain, unless they are fighting or running. Too much of a temptation then.
not a whole lot of trainers in the shelter world like ceasar either. like it was said before that is another subject altogether.
I like the electric fence idea, it helps with outside predators too. the dog must be trained though. sounds like he needs it. It can work! good luck!!

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