Developmental Delay in Chickens?


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Here's a weird one. I have 3 BR's, all 22 weeks, 2 of which are laying. The one, Annabelle, is not only not laying but still looks like a teenager. If I had to peg her level, based on the other 2, she is 8 weeks behind in development from the others. Mid August, the other 2 suddenly began to to get all red and their wattles and combs came in fast. They were pretty consistent from then on and began laying about 3 weeks ago. Not my Annabelle. She has barely developed a comb and wattles,and then only recently, and is a bit petite in nature. She is a sweetheart , but is barely developing. I wonder if she will ever actually get there. Has anyone ever had a chicken not develop. It makes me think of when you are trying to upload a page, and it gets stuck and can't fully load. Thoughts??
She is a Plymouth Barred Rock and is on developer feed. I have 6 chickens, 4 @ 22 weeks (3 BR's , 1 BO), and 2 Plymouth White Rocks @ 14 weeks. She is not a Bantam. Identical in every way except for development. She just stalled out. I never see the others keep her from the feed. The 4 were raised together from day olds, and get along well, even though she is lower in the pecking order. The ones I really have to watch are the 2 younger ones! They are often chased away from the feeder or treats I bring in which is why I spread whatever I bring far and wide. She was the only one to get pasty butt when 3 days old....would that affect her development?? I caught it the next morning and cleared it immediately and there was only the one incidence. Hmmm.....
The one(?) incidence of pasty butt may not be the reason for her slow development but it may indicate a difference in her physical ability to process nutrition the same way as the other 3.

Could also be that she is of a different 'line' of birds....did you get them from a hatchery?...thus a different genetic makeup.

Probably just best to wait and see, kind of interesting in a way...other than the frustration of no eggs from her and the thought that something might be wrong with her health.

Can you post pics of the 4?
This is Annabelle at 22 weeks:

Her flockmates, Hilda and Essie...both laying:

Then the BO, Bella. She is not laying yet, but I understand BO's can be much later. Plus, she is developing her comb and wattles. She has also begun showing the submissive squat every now and then:

Lastly, at 14 1/2 weeks, the White Rocks, or "littles":

Does this help??
Edit to add: They were purchased from the same shipment at the local grain store. The whites were purchased 7 weeks later at the same store. I'm not so much worried about no eggs...I'm patient, just looking to get educated about the variations of growth, plus, get a little assurance that she is ok?
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All 3 have rather different comb shapes, which would indicate to me that they might be from different lines.
The first ones feet are darker than the 3rds.
Can't really compare body shape due to posturing.

Only time will tell....and maybe not even then.
Here's a weird one. I have 3 BR's, all 22 weeks, 2 of which are laying. The one, Annabelle, is not only not laying but still looks like a teenager. If I had to peg her level, based on the other 2, she is 8 weeks behind in development from the others. Mid August, the other 2 suddenly began to to get all red and their wattles and combs came in fast. They were pretty consistent from then on and began laying about 3 weeks ago. Not my Annabelle. She has barely developed a comb and wattles,and then only recently, and is a bit petite in nature. She is a sweetheart , but is barely developing. I wonder if she will ever actually get there. Has anyone ever had a chicken not develop. It makes me think of when you are trying to upload a page, and it gets stuck and can't fully load. Thoughts??
Your birds probably aren't even alive at this point, but having a similar issue with some Bielefelder chicks. Got day olds by mail, only one had a pasty butt issue, and she is way behind developmentally. They mother her and she has no fear of eating, but she is clearly slower in developing feathers and progressing. Wondering if she's going to make it! They are 8 weeks now, and she is maybe half their size, still has a chick head and chirp, while her sisters are fully feathered and growing into their hen hood. Funny how this goes sometimes!
I too have one Chantie pullet who's lagging in size, feather development, and also has increased respiratory effort, and rests more. She's hanging in there, but obviously not as healthy as the others. If she lives, she won't be part of a breeding group.
Your pullet looks good, really, so wait and see how she does.

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